TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Language Universal

Language Universal

From genre to genre and song to song, the worldwide music industry is one that is infinite, impossible to discover all it has to offer in the mere span of a single lifetime. My appreciation for music is derived from the fact that is timeless and will forever be changing. Personally, I’m someone who gets bored by the monotonous cycle of everyday life, I actively welcome new and changing things as they’re thrown at me. Music happens to be one of those things, something I will never lose interest in.

I cannot remember my world in which music was not a part of it. From simple lullabies as an infant to my spotify playing in the background as I type this blog, it always seems to be present. Though, I didn’t always have the same passion for music as I do now. As I grew up, I was force fed country and bluegrass music by my parents and since technology wasn’t as prominent when I was younger, that’s all I had to work with. Due to this, I didn’t strike a particular interest for music right off the bat. Though as I grew up and platforms such as youtube were introduced along with mp3 players, I was quickly hooked.

With the help of my older nephews who knew the ropes a little better than I did, I was able to surf the web and download hundreds of songs that I enjoyed vs. what my parents enjoyed. Self discovery motivated my interest in music, it’s a way to express yourself in a sense. Usually, what genre someone prefer seems to stereotypically categorize them into a personality type pretty accurately. Which now that I think of it, I listen to almost every genre under the sun so no wonder my personality resembles a big ol’ bag of chex mix.

Depending on the day depends what one can benefit from via music, no matter the person, music is a universal language for all. Having a bad day? Use music as an escape to drown out the world temporarily, giving time to focus and get lost at the same time. Having a fun filled day that won’t be forgot for a lifetime? Sometimes the perfect song can enhance the experiences, the lyrics relate to the situation so perfectly, it’s as if it were made just for that brief time and place.

Music is forever changing as new artists are being added to the mix and getting more creative in stretching the boundaries of any given genre, which is the beauty behind it. Just like snowflakes, no two songs are the same, there’s always something to discover that will peak the musical interest of any given person. And as for me, I will never find myself reaching for my phone, my laptop, the car radio or whatever the next crazy technological gadget is to turn up the tunes and get lost in the lyrics of whatever given genre I choose fit for the day.

Photo credit: / CC0


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