TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

"The scales of justice may tip one way or another but ultimately they balance out"

In Witness for the Prosecution, Sir Wilfred, played by Charles Laughton tells Tyrone Power’s Leonard Vole that “the scales of justice may tip one way or another but ultimately they balance out.”  The grumpy, but formidable barrister proves correct, which is no surprise since the line feels like it is said as much for the benefit of the audience as it is for the man he’s representing.

My bifurcated viewing of this film may have something to do with my overall impression (Cassandra often falls asleep half way through a film as she did with this one–it should be no indication of its quality; it happens ALL the time). Although I had to stop the film half way through I did want to get back to it.  The early part of the film is fairly funny. Laughton’s portrayal of a barrister who will do anything to smoke a cigar provides much of the film’s humor. He constantly works to outsmart his dutiful nurse portrayed by Elsa Lanchester (whom Cassandra immediately recognized from Mary Poppins).  These gags end up being a bit predictable, but they remain charming throughout.  They do wane as the film’s setting moves to the courtroom and the stakes for Leonard Vole become more real (he is on trial for murder).

I don’t know if the practice was common, but as the end credits begin audiences are asked to not share the twist, so I won’t do it here. Leonard Maltin gives Witness for the Prosecution 4 stars. I’m not the expert in film history that he is, so my rating isn’t as informed as his is, but I can’t see it at the top of the scale.  Cassandra and I are split between 2: Watchable and 3: Bona Fide.  I suppose we can split the difference and call it a 2.5.

We’re off to Some Like it Hot, starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon next. I don’t know how this one will fair, but if the opening sequence with a car chase through 1929 Chicago is any indication, I expect I’ll like what I see.


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