TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

What It Means To Be 18

I’ve just reached a point in my life where I had a complete turn around. That was the day I turned 18. I realized that since I have been thinking of things in a different way. Up until almost a month ago I’ve been driving my step-dads car around as “my own” for the time being. I pay for gas, but because he’s a mechanic anything that needs fixing, he does. I went to his shop to get windshield washer fluid in my car and he ended up showing me this new car if his he just bought and is selling. It a little red Honda, but more of a sporty kind, and I fell in love with it. He told me I could get it if I wanted but since is trying me to save my money and says I can just drive his around. Before this was never a problem. I had a car that worked great and didn’t think about getting one. Some reason for the past few weeks I’ve felt the need to get a new car. I thought at first that it was because I just really liked that car and wanted it but after really thinking about it, it seems that it’s because I feel like I should have my own instead of beating up my step-dads summer car in the winter. It’s reached a point to where I want to have the responsibility of my own car so I don’t have to worry about driving his around and always having it even if and when he needs it.

I never had a thought in my mind about my own car until I turned 18, it was like a 360. One day I was driving around having fun and the next I felt like I was talking the situation for granite. Being 18 has a lot more responsibilities than some people think. Since then I have been seeing things different than before. Before I never expected things but if my parents tried to buy something for my I wouldn’t complain. Now I feel the need to go back and get a job again so I can do what I need and not have to have them worry because I’m old enough to do it on my own.

Being 18 isn’t all about being older, being able to do more, and staying out late, it’s way more than that. It’s about learning how to save money, how to start learning to do things on your own. How to see things in better perspective, and how to really think before you do things because it’s not all fun and games anymore. Its about being responsible and taking responsibility for all of your actions.


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  • ttruehart14
    April 14, 2014 at 11:08 am 

    18 is just a milestone and it does mean you can do more, for some people, for me it just meant more responsibility, i have to pay bills, do my own insurance, registration, get my own direction to places, bring myself to/from and schedule appointments so i have noticed when i hit 18 i was given full responsibility, not i have not gained allot of permissions, i don’t think anyone gets true freedom until they own their own place (either be an apartment or house)

  • broy14
    April 27, 2014 at 7:16 pm 

    You have a lot of good points in this piece, even though it had a few grammatical errors here and there .Other then that nice paper! People think being 18 means you can do whatever you want. It does to an extent, but you also have to take responsibility of you and your actions.

  • scarpenter14
    May 5, 2014 at 8:49 pm 

    I felt the same way once I turned 18, its not about the freedom, college, lottery tickets or cigarettes. I’m 18, I have to be home by 10, call my dad when I get somewhere, make sure there is a parent home when I go to my boyfriends house, pay for my own gas and car. I get what you mean, and I see the points that you are making because I am going through the same struggle. Saving money, a new car, and just wanting to be independent. You did very well, good job! 🙂

  • aclifford14
    May 11, 2014 at 4:43 pm 

    I really like how you used your own life stories to demonstrate what it feels like to be 18. It made the article be easy to relate too. I totally agree, although I am not 18 just yet, I have deffinetly notice a change in my maturity since senior year has started and I have also seen it in many of us! Crazy how quickly we are all growing up compared to when we all started here!

  • sestabrook14
    May 27, 2014 at 11:16 am 

    Very nice piece. You had a lot of great points. Being 18 in not about being able to do whatever you want. Being 18 is about showing more responsibility and growing up. I loved how you used your self for your examples. You did a great job on this paper!

  • tfrechette14
    May 27, 2014 at 10:15 pm 

    Very good! I can relate to this 100% too. Once you hit 18 you want to start saving your money and buying things of your own. I learned how to save money when I brought my car! Great job!

  • abrooks14
    May 29, 2014 at 12:01 pm 

    You did a great job writing this piece. People don’t understand that when are 18 its more then just having fun you actually have responsibilities. You made good points and they were very clear (: Good job

  • Kmceachern14
    May 29, 2014 at 11:55 pm 

    18, the age when we finally realize that it’s time to grow up, that being an adult has more to do with starting our future than having freedom and being able to get tattoos and piercings with parents permission, and being able to vote or buy stupid scratch tickets. The rest of our lives have already begun and it’s time to start working towards things that’ll get us further in life, and stop working for things that don’t matter when it comes to our futures.

  • ltemple14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:39 am 

    When I turned 18, I thought that meant no more rules. But really it means so much more rules that you have to go by. I still had to listen to the rules, now I had to start paying for my own things, gas money, car insurance, phone bill. I have to tell my parents where I’m going, how long I’ll be gone, and call or text them when I have reached destination. I still can drive with anyone, or drive people. I thought being 18 was having freedom, but really nothing changes, besides having to do things on your own.

  • mthomas14
    June 2, 2014 at 12:11 pm 

    See unlike the rest of you I will not have the chance to hit this milestone before we graduate. I imagine that it is a very fun time, but it is also when reality hits you and you realize that being a kid is over. I would like to say congrats to all of the 18 year old’s in the class from the young ones.

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