TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Teens and the Internet

Have you ever lost internet for a short period of time? Did you feel bored while the internet was out? How would you feel without internet for a day? a week? or even a month? People go crazy without internet, the internet is a huge part of many lives now a days and without it most feel as if there is nothing to do. People play video games, chat on Facebook, constantly check  emails, randomly search the internet for stupid things, and lastly, do school work. Without the internet people would have to go outside and actually do something, else many would stay inside and sleep or watch T.V. to pass the time. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that the average teen spends about seven and a half hours on the internet a day. It is kind of crazy to think that most people spend most of their time on the internet. People use the internet on their phones, at school, and on their laptops and computers when they get home, all this time adds up.What if those eight hours a day were instead used by being outside or maybe studying for the next text? How would our lives be changed if we stopped using the internet so much? The internet is being used more and more by teens and that average of seven and a half hours a day is rising every year.

Featured Image: “The Internet Drug by Olivia Fal @ Flickr


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  • tfrechette14
    May 27, 2014 at 9:51 pm 

    This is so true! I don’t have internet at home so I’m not on my laptop much. But with having a phone that can on the internet I am constantly on it. 7 and 1/2 hours a day is a lot, and you don’t even realize it until its brought up like this.

  • awhitten14
    May 29, 2014 at 10:01 am 

    You don’t realize just how much time you spend on your phone until you read something like this. It is rare that I ever go on my laptop but having a phone that is able to work with and with out Wi-Fi has been of great use. Your article can relate to me and many other teens. Great topic to write about!

  • ccunningham14
    June 2, 2014 at 9:47 am 

    This piece is very true I am constantly on the internet whether it be on my phone or on my laptop. I have it everywhere i go i am never without it. I would probably be lost if i didnt have the internet i feel as if i rely on it. I use it for just about everything from school work to just checking up on whats going on.

  • glabbe14
    June 2, 2014 at 9:51 am 

    True a lot of teens are spending too much time on the computer and tv. However these days people use it for more than just entertainment. News is becoming more and more widespread.

  • ltemple14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:04 am 

    People don’t realize how much time they really are on the internet. This explains how people really do waste time and are on the internet for almost the entire day. I use my phone to get on the internet, my laptop at school, I never really thought of how much I was using the internet till now.

  • rcote14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:08 am 

    For the longest time my parents would not get me a phone with internet, so unlike a lot of my classmates I had gone without facebook or twitter in school until mid March, this year. Going without interest is not very difficult for me, because I had done it for a majority of my life. But this post does put a new perspective on how much we as a generation of people depend on the internet for communication.

  • saustin14
    June 2, 2014 at 10:34 am 

    This really makes me think about how much time I spend on the internet and its pretty accurate because even during school they are pushing for students to reaserach on the internet and email and turning in papers on the internet we rarely use paper and pencil and anymore and its pretty pathetic I know I cannot wait until I get rid of this computer because then I will get way more done.

  • lwashburn14
    June 2, 2014 at 11:09 am 

    Thats Crazy! I think it is not good that teens use the internet so much and I think they could go outside and play!

  • rstevens14
    June 3, 2014 at 12:31 am 

    I agree that most people can’t go with out internet. They think that they can survive without it but as soon as it is off they would start to get bored and then take a nap, or even try to fix it or turn it back on themselves.

  • cpoulin14
    June 3, 2014 at 11:05 am 

    Every time we lose power or our internet gets shut off at home, I feel absolutely lost. Like as if I am stranded in the woods with no resources and have no clue where I am….that lost. This post is very relatable.

  • mhenderson14
    June 13, 2014 at 9:12 am 

    The more we know, the smarter we become. This whole post is relatable to everyone in some way or form, I didn’t have facebook until I was 13 and grew tried of it when I was 15. I am one of those people that feel lost when the internet goes down, until I pull out a game board like Risk. Point is that this article is true on so many ways and there does need to be some form of change in teens and the next generation, I mean loom at it this way. Technology is hitting all new highs in our generation imagine what it will be like for the next generation.

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