TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

You need to watch this movie! – Mr. Nobody

Full disclaimer. I spoil stuff, this is an amazing film that I beg you to see before you read this and compare your thoughts to mine. Thank you. 

Being me, a person who lives for those random deep thoughts one has during a shower or right before they go to bed, this movie absolutely captivated me and since the first, (and second and third) time I viewed it has kept me thinking about it. Nemo Nobody lives an extraordinary life, then again he doesn’t, then again he does. How can this be? This movie touches base on the philosophical view that there are an infinite amount of parallel universes branching off of one another, and oh boy the second I saw that I was hooked. If you are into philosophical movies, (Butterfly Effect, After the Dark, Inception) try taking a crack at this one.

The story follows Nemo Nobody, the oldest human on an Earth where everyone else has had a treatment where they gain immortality, one which he never received, so he will be the last human to ever die of old age. He becomes famous for this and is interviewed by a reporter about his one hundred and eighteen year old life. He begins with the story of his parents divorce and we end up on a train platform where on the train leaving is his mom, and not aboard the train is his father. From this point 3 diverging paths are created but we will only go into two, he boards the train and goes with his mom or he stays on the platform and stays with his dad. Any ordinary movie he goes with one and the story goes on from there but in this amazing piece of cinematography we are treated with both.

The films base is exploring the branches of a tree that is the parallel universes. He goes with his mom and meets Anna, when they are children he is mean and they never talk again, life goes on. Rewind, he is nice and they fall in love and their parent get married unknowing of their relationship and they spend copious amounts of time together but unfortunately their parents split up and they never see eachother again looking for another for the rest of their lives. Another universe they find each other and live happily ever after. But from that branch of going with his mom an infinate of universes is available, with or without Anna and that is the beauty of this film.

A completely other branch is if he chooses his father and stays on the platform never boarding the train. He meets Elise who is in love with another man. One branch he steals her and they live happily ever after, another he has to fight harder to win Elise and she lives a life with him where she is constantly depressed no matter how good of a life he for her and how hard he tries, nice house, beautiful kids, loving husband, but she can’t forget that man he stole her from and eventually leaves him. Oh and theres a car crash where she dies and he lives alone taking pictures of dead things lol. Another branch she rejects him from the beginning at a dance and he says to himself the first girl here I dance with I will marry and have a nice house with and a big pool, that girl is Jean and he eventually does all that only to be killed by mobsters.

In the end the reporter is extremely confused by Nemo asking him which branch is the right one, which one he was a part of. Nemo states that none are as real as the next and all of them are true. That moment is probably for me one of the best pieces of cinema I have ever seen. Each branch could have been an amazing movie on its own but this amazing movie just packed all the greatness into one. Certain parts I extremely enjoyed like when Elise was depressed and he was not paying attention to her and washing the car she said he cared more about the car than her so he went outside and set it on fire. Remember how I said there were three options? Get on the train, stay on the platform. The third one which the movie ends with is Nemo completely running off the platform and down a road. This just illustrated the infinite amount of branches and completely blew my mind and made this movie a must see, I highly recommend it.

Featured image “movie night” by Ginny @Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)



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