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Far Cry 4 Exploring

Far Cry 4 is an open world action- adventure first person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. It was expected to sell 6 million copies in the first year of release but instead it became the fastest selling game and the most successful release in its series. It was the 2nd best selling game in the United Kingdom for all formats in the opening week. It was also the sixth best selling game in the United States. It received the best shooter game by IGN. It was also nominated for Best Artistic Achievement, Best Game Design, Best Music, Best Performer (Troy Baker), and Best Story at the 11th British Academy Games Awards. Then nominated for Game of the Year, Action Game of the Year, Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design, Outstanding Technical Achievement and Outstanding Achievement in Game Design, and won the award for Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition at the DICE awards. The most out of any game in the series.

The game takes place in Kyrat which is a fictional Himalayan country that consist of sprawling mountains and forest, vast water systems, and villages. There is a catch though. There are parts throughout the game that you go to Shangri-la. A land that everyone in the real world knows as “a perfect world”. The game was based around the Nepalese Civil War. There are many different things you can do in this game. You can capture outpost, you can hunt, you can race, you can help people from dangerous animals and more. There are many predators in this game ranging from boars to tigers and bears. Another thing you can do in this game is ride elephants. You can jump on an elephant and control it. There are many vehicles in this game to. There are trucks, helicopters, planes, four wheelers, dirt bikes, jet skis, boats, and hang gliders. All make it easier to get around the map. Also to unlock more of the map and more missions you have to capture outpost or radio towers.

There is also a multiplayer option in this game. It is a two player online game mode that lets you explore with a friend or just help a random person out. Say you are stuck on a mission and you need help. You go on to multiplayer and it finds someone who is on the same mission as you. You both can then work through it together and you get the same rewards as you would on campaign mode. There is also an arena option that lets you test your skills against all the different enemies you face in the game. You can go for as many rounds as you can or you can. So over all this game is a really good game to just sit down and explore.

Featured Image “Far Cry 4 Unleashes The Mighty Elephant” by BagoGames@flickr (CC BY 2.0)


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