TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ninja Cat Attacks

In the sixth grade I was waiting for my parents to pay for an appointment. I was young and I wasn’t taught not to touch things that weren’t mine yet and I saw a cat. This cat was raised in a barn and didn’t like people touching him. I walked over to the cat so I could pet him.
I held out my arm so he knew I was going to pet him. I didn’t want him to get scared and run away. At this point all I could see was the orange cat and partial dirt around him. I was close to petting this cat. My hand was two feet away from his face. While I was slowly reaching to touch the cat, he touched me. Only he touched me with his keen teeth grabbing at the skin on my hand and six razor sharp claws tearing at my arm. I saw a flash of red and my hand was on fire. Tears instantly started crawling down my face because I wasn’t expecting the cat to do this. I fell to my knees, with blood starting to crawl out of the new wounds in my hand. My parents quickly finished up what they were doing put me in the car and drove off. We hurried down the road towards the hospital, we had to stop multiple times because I thought I was going to get sick.
The next thing I remember is being in the hospital with a wrapping on my hand. I was laying in a bed with my parents in the room. The doctor comes in and checks my wound. To save you the gory details he clearly showed it was infected. Later that day, my father went home and mom stayed there with me. I remember I kept blacking out throughout the day and waking up in the night. Having the night nurse come in and check my temperature every time I woke up. Or to bring the table closer so I could drink water because I didn’t want to wake my mother. The next day the doctors cleaned up my infection and stitched me up.
I had my hand wrapped and cleared of infection. I was getting really bored and I wanted to do something. I asked my nurse, who was very nice, if there was anything fun for me to do in my condition. She asked me if I played the WII and I said yes. She brought the good sized machine in for me. The funny thing was to play I had to move the controller around with the hand that just had surgery. My fingers hurt to move and I didn’t want my mother just to sit there and watch me play. I had her press the buttons for me and we were having a blast. As me and mom were playing the game my father comes in for a visit. He sees me playing with the hand that had all these things done to it and said “So I see you are feeling much better.” “Not really the IV hurts too much in my other arm” is what I replied with.
Since everything happened, I know now not to pet animals without asking the owner if I can or not. If you don’t ask, you might spend all summer trying not to get your stitches wet. But when being around an animal or a person as well, one has to be cautious of their surroundings.

Photo credit: Kerri Lee Smith via / CC BY-NC-SA


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1 Comment

  • rhunt18
    January 28, 2018 at 5:11 pm 

    I can relate to this on the smallest level. I was over at one of my friend’s houses, and we were chilling with her bunny. Little did I know that this bunny sucks. All of a sudden, for no reason at all, she bit me on the back, and it started bleeding. I don’t think it got infected, but I know I don’t trust animals very much. Considering that my lizard bit me on the neck the first time I held him. Jerk. Thanks for sharing though, and I hope you never get bit by a cat again.

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