TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Pseudo-Nihilism and Pretentiousness

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to terms with the fact that the universe does not care about you, your problems, or anybody else. The universe as a whole is indifferent to you. Everywhere I look, all I see are people trying desperately to repress this knowledge. Most people end up spending the entirety of their lives indulging in things such as religion or social media in a vain attempt to find solace in their lives. I’m a firm believer that even the most disillusioned know deep within themselves that theyare truly alone in the universe, for the universe does not care about you. One of a human’s base needs is a sense of purpose, which is why the idea of there being truly no purpose perplexes them. This is a fact of life – nature is cruel, and the world does not care about you.

Now, this all sounds incredibly nihilistic, but I don’t really see it that way. From my experience most people see the idea of having no purpose in life frightening, but I find it somewhat relieving. I can’t really explain it, but I find a sort of comfort in knowing that there is no higher power, and no greater purpose.I can’t explain why I feel this way, I just do.

I said earlier that the universe is cruel. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. Why is the universe cruel enough to allow me to be born in relative wealth while other children have the misfortune of being born in third world countries ravaged by war and disease? Why was that child not given the same luxury given to me?

There is no reason, that’s why. The universe has no agenda. The universe does not discriminate. It’s like a fire, in that way, a fire also shows no discrimination, and will burn whatever lies in its path, completely apathetic to what is being smoldered by the flames. And out of the ashes, new life is born.

The universe does not care about you or I. It’s passive nature does not mean the universe is inherently evil. It just does it’s job, regardless of the circumstances.
(This is probably the most pretentious thing I’ve ever written, but oh well. I don’t really care, kind of like how the universe doesn’t care, either. I guess that means everything has come full circle.)


(image credit: Photo on <a href=”″></a>)


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  • ofallon18
    January 23, 2018 at 5:00 pm 

    Really enjoyed the ending of this piece in making the connection of it coming full circle. I also thought it was really thought provoking in discussing not only how many others handle the wide concept of the universe in a large variety of ways, but also how you feel about it yourself. However, it seems to have a conflicting perception of the universe; is it cruel or is it indifferent?

  • tgolightly18
    January 24, 2018 at 12:52 pm 

    I relate to this so much. I too have plenty of experience with this.

  • ijuray18
    January 25, 2018 at 3:46 pm 

    Huh, I find it kinda ironic that you are talking about how you find comfort in knowing that there is no higher power, that there is no greater force in the world, and yet you are speaking about how the universe is cruel. I think your blog contradicts its self. Not trying to shoot you down or anything I like your blog very much but I just find it funny.

  • daiken18
    January 29, 2018 at 12:10 pm 

    I like the perspective you took on this. I don’t see a lot of people who tend to go into detail about subjects this deep or even give it the time to begin to understand. It’s nice to see other people thinking about the universe and the things in it the way that you did with this, it’s very fascinating to me to look at everything in such a way.

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