TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


     Every other summer a huge truck comes with what seems to be a whole forest worth of chopped wood and dumps out its towering pile in my front yard, and there’s a problem with that… The tower of wood is supposed to be stacked nicely in my backyard. Bi-yearly, my family and I dread this week, and I say “week” because my family of five can’t transport and pile a forest in a day. Fortunately, my neighbors, who also double as my best friends, Sara and Julia Noël, are always there for me no matter the situation. Piling wood for three days straight in scorching eighty-degree weather is just one of the many things that those two ladies have helped me with.
     Sara and Julia are some of the most important people in my life. Not only do they help my family pile wood three days straight every other summer, but they also helped me get through one of the hardest times of my life. In the beginning stages of high school, my parents decided it was time for a divorce. Sara and Julia, neighbors, best friends, and now counselors, were always there to lend a shoulder. Another thing they helped me with while growing up was babysitting. I am the oldest sibling in my family and there is a good age gap between myself and my younger siblings. These siblings of mine wouldn’t listen to me even if their lives depended on it. Sara and Julia were always a hop and skip away to come rescue me from my disobedient siblings. Sara was older than me, so she was always the one “in charge.” Julia was always the one that split up hectic fights and always cooked the lunches for our rowdy bunch. Having them there to help babysit also benefited me and because they helped keep the whole family busy and active whether it was playing games out in the yard or inside. Although these two girls have helped my family and I a countless amount of times, but my family has benefited theirs as well. When we were younger, her mom would make sure that everyday, during the summer, before they could come down to my house for the day, they would have to do their chores. Their chores usually consisted of picking up dog poop in their widespread backyard. As a good friend in dire need of hanging out with my best friends all day, I would help them pick up dog poop while they would do their chores that took place inside. The Drewëls have always had each other back, and always been willing to lend our hands. 
     Before I close, I want to elaborate on the title of this post. “Drewëls” is not an actual word. It is the mixture of my family’s last name and their family’s; Drews and Noëls = Drewëls. As silly as this word may seem, it has always been a way to bring our two families together as one. We have been using this term for as long as I can remember. Anyways, Sara and Julia Noël are friends that will be cherished for a lifetime. I am honestly so grateful for the fact that my parents decided to start a family in this exact house, on this exact street. Otherwise, who would be my neighbors, my wood stacking partners, my counselors, my chefs, my babysitting team, and my best friends? I am forever grateful for everything those two girls have helped me with in just the 13 years that we’ve been a part of each others lives. It brings a smile to my face to know that there are many more years to come for the Drewëls.




Photo by Harry McGregor on / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • bmichaud18
    February 2, 2018 at 11:10 am 

    I can relate to this too. i to have close family friends that are practically family. its awesome for me since i am an only child. i feel a lot of people can relate

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