TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Never the perfect time for that

A lot of cruel events have occured throughout everyone’s life, it’s just inevitable. Thoughout anyone’s life, deaths occur, traumatic experiences occur, and even disasters happen, but it’s never the perfect time for that, which is why it’s cruel. Some people have cruel things happen more than others. To me, it seems that some cruel events occur by storm. In the last few years, I’ve had too many things occur at one time than I could handle.
To begin, my life was going pretty well up to a certain point. My dogs had given birth to 6 puppies on my birthday, which was hugely miraculous. I was so happy. However, this was the beginning. Bad omens come in 3’s, at least that’s what is said. After two weeks, the family cat went missing, which was unusual. My family did search for her, but we did not find her, leaving her 2 kittens behind. Days later, the puppies learned to walk, but it wasn’t necessarily a good thing. This created more problems, for they would wander around, and it made it harder to know where they were. My little brothers were horsing around one day in the room where the puppies were located, while I was out searching for the cat. The story goes that one of the puppies, named Yoda, was sleeping on my bed when one of my brothers fell on the bed. Unfortunately, The puppie’s neck snapped, but did not die immediately. When I heard a scream from outside, I knew something happened. I came inside, seeing everyone screaming and crying, and figured out what happened. The puppy thrashed around for several minutes, and then died. That was one of the most depressing events to occur. That was the first cruel event. I realize now that I should have put the puppies in a cage, but it still felt cruel to have had that happen. Days later, the cat appeared, but she seemed really different. She went to drink some water, but all of a sudden, she dropped her head on the bowl. My mom raced in picked the cat up, and that it had been attacked by a fissure cat, and had its end ripped open. It was horrifying, seeing it’s insides bare and open. The cat started to seize, and it look like it had died, but seemed to wake back up. We cleaned the cat up, kept her in my room. The next day, we found that she had maggots in body. We washed her body the get them out, but it did not seem to help. She was just struggling to keep herself alive. The day after that, she finally passed away. It was so tragic. Weeks later, we finally settled down from all the conflict, but that was not all. One of our dogs, named Ace, grew more and aggressive from his Lyme disease. He was often seen chasing the kittens frantically. One of the kittens, named Henry, was very unfortunate. Ace tipped over the fridge and Henry fell and snapped her neck. He took Henry’s body and played with it until she died. It was so cruel, with all these deaths occurring at once. There never a perfect time for any pet to die, so it made these events very cruel. There could have been so many things I could have done to prevent these from happening, but I wasn’t there, which made it so hard for me. In the end, it didn’t even matter.

Photo by torne (where’s my lens cap?) on / CC BY


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