TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Car Window

It was a cold day in the middle of February, and by cold, I’m not exaggerating… it was -5 degrees and it had just started snowing. I was coming from my dance school in Auburn, to pick up one of my friends in Minot and then I had to go back to Auburn to pick up another friend and then go to a different dance rehearsal in Winthrop.

I was running late about 5 minutes behind schedule, so It wasn’t too bad. Since I was running late, I was eating my apple while I was driving. I got to my friend’s house in Minot and picked her up, as we were pulling out of her driveway I decided to throw my apple out the window into the woods.

I (stupidly) forgot that when it’s cold outside my window doesn’t roll back up. So, when I threw my apple out the window, the window didn’t go back up. This became a problem because it was FREEZING outside and had started to snow harder. Now we were going to be really late for dance, and we still had to pick up my other friend. After 10 minutes of me and my friend struggling to try and push my window up, we only got it to go half way up. We were stuck, and we didn’t know what else to do. We drove back to her house and used duct taped and Saran wrapped to cover the window, but being the dummy that I am…I accidentally taped the door shut too. Therefore, I had to crawl across the passenger seat in order to get back to the driver’s side.

Me and my friend were laughing our heads off, we were in tears from laughing so hard. As we were driving back to Auburn to pick up my other friend, the Saran wrap started falling off, the duct tape wasn’t holding up. The wind was blowing through my car and making the Saran wrap rattle, (extremely loudly). The snow and frigid air was making my fingers freeze up. We picked up my friend in Auburn. At this point we came to the we decided that there was no way we could for half an hour with the window down. We stopped again, and the three of us worked together to push the window up, after another ten minutes of struggling we were finally able to get the window closed, we had to all pull it closed and use a coat hanger to move rubber barriers over.

I haven’t opened my window since that day. But, the three of us laughed about that struggle for the rest of the car ride, we ended up being 30 minutes late for dance, but my teachers understood the struggle we went through. They laughed along with us, especially, after my friend showed everyone the video of the Saran wrap flying off the window. To this day, there are still little pieces of duct tape stuck to my window.

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  • spinard18
    May 21, 2018 at 6:31 pm 

    This is a very unfortunate situation that you were put in and I am very sorry. Maybe next time put something sticky on your window button so you remember not to put it down, we did a similar thing with my cat so he didn’t scratch the door frames. I enjoy your use of parentheses, I find them very contributing to your post. I would maybe reword “Me and my friend” but thats okay. Thank you for the wonderful story!

  • mhilchey18
    May 25, 2018 at 8:17 am 

    This was a really good read. My window has done the same thing, those darn Volkswagens am I right?? I’m glad that you could find the humor in the situation and not just be angry because you were probably freezing your faces off. It’s crazy how much a small piece of glass can do.

  • kyoung18
    May 25, 2018 at 10:16 am 

    @Mhilchey18 My Volkswagen does the same kind of thing. When it is really hot outside, my moon roof will not close. It is the most annoying thing. I agree that is was good that Alex laughed it off with her friends instead of letting it ruin her time. Always gotta find positivity in the negativity.

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