TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

High School Was Not That Bad

Good afternoon, and welcome class of 2018 English 4 period white 3 and seniors to be. Thank you for taking the time today to listen to my advice on high school and the next chapter of our lives. First I would like to share with you the top 5 things that got me through high school or things that I wish I had done throughout high school whether I realized it at the time or just now realized it.

Number 1. friends. In high school it is important that you surround yourself with the right people that you would most likely be spending your entire high school career with. To me, I surrounded myself with only two friends that I knew would benefit me no matter how much of a lazy pain I was to them. In high school everyone needs to surround themselves with people who are just like you, so that you can avoid the fights because you basically are the other person. I surrounded myself with friends that would push me through rough times or times when I didn’t feel like doing things. These are the friends you want to surround yourself with in college as well. Keep these friends, or just find some more that are a lot like them.

Number 2. teachers. Make sure that you are a teacher’s pet. Teacher’s pets always get what they want. If you are a teacher’s pet then you will easily slide by in school and it will be a breeze. If I could have been a teacher’s pet to more teacher’s then I would have. Now I haven’t been to college yet, obviously, but I would probably assume that college professors are much like high school teachers when it comes to students kissing up to them.

Number 3. do not procrastinate. Procrastinating honestly is the worst thing that you could do. Senioritis is when it really starts to kick you in the you know what. This year I have done the bare minimum and have done everything late for the most part, and now I’m trying to drag myself to graduation. Whatever you do, do your work when it is given to you. Don’t wait until you forget about it or how to do it and then bang your head off the table because you’re struggling through the last two weeks of school.

Number 4. be yourself. It took me a whole 4 years to finally become myself on the girls soccer team bus during our ride home from an away game. Once I finally unleashed the beast inside me I made some of the funniest memories I think I could ever make. Anyway, the point is to just be yourself right off the bat and the right people will love you and surround themselves by you, because you are great. Don’t wait until your senior year to finally show everyone who you are, do it first and make those funny memories.

Number 5. ask questions. When I first started high school I was very nervous about being wrong and looking like a fool so I never actually asked questions. If I had asked questions I feel like I would have gotten a lot more out of my high school experience for the first two years like I did with my last two. When you ask questions you will probably look stupid, people may actually laugh at you, but at least you are learning something and next time you won’t have to ask the same stupid question, it’ll be a different stupid question. I can remember this one time in chemistry when I had asked the question “Don’t you get sunburns from the heat?” Yes this was the most stupid question that I could ever ask. As soon as I finished asking this question the room was silent and I noticed that everyone’s head was slowly turning in my direction with a look of confusion and disgust on their faces. I know this may seem terrifying and like horrible advice but I actually learned something and it wasn’t as bad as I had thought it would have been and I’m sure that I am the only person who actually remembers this incident. So please ask as many questions as you can.

As long as you follow these simple steps throughout your high school career it should be a piece of cake. Make good friends, be a teacher/professor/boss’s pet and kiss up as much as you can, do not procrastinate because when you get a job you’ll surely lose it just as fast as you got it, be yourself because it would really suck to hold yourself back and keep others from the real you, and ask questions so that you can get the most out of your free education put it to use, test the teacher’s knowledge. Class of 2018 and seniors to be I hope that you found this advice useful and will actually apply it to your high school/post high school career so that you can make the most of it.

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