TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Pickle Mistake

      There was a boy name Charles was just like ever other kid at one point. Whenever his parents brought him to stores he could not help himself and felt the need to touch everything. Throughout the store Charles parents would tell him do not touch that, you may break it. They also may say “Don’t touch that.” Eventually they got to the food and Charles wondered down the row of shelves. Seeing all kinds of food, and colorful packaging. Things like cans, jars, and plastic wrapping, everything different and from somewhere different. Then he saw a shinny object above he saw the Dill pickles.

      Charles wanted to get a closer look at the bird on the jar. For some reason it called out to him. Was it the blue background? The fact the bird has classes and a cap on, or was it just the pure curiosity of a young child. So slowly and quietly Charles climbed the shelving. Shelf by shelf passing the store brand pickles, a jar of pickled peppers. Then the olives on the next shelf. Then he finally five shelves up, shinning from the light glistening off the jar, freshly placed, no dust on it or anything. Charles slowly and carefully reaches for the jar.

      Charles finally grabs the jar and decides to examine the jar from the shelf he is standing on. Close enough to notice the fine details of the gold around the glasses, the lighter blue sailors cap. The smile in-printed on the white bird. A pickle in one arm which is acting like a hand. The black suit vest like the one his Dad wears to work. Suddenly, Charles looses grip, catches his self but in doing so drops the jar. It was like slow motion for Charles. The gut dropping feeling watching that glass jar going down to the floor. Then suddenly the loud crack of the glass hitting the floor.

      Charles jump down suddenly not knowing his parents were watching him the whole time he pushes the glass under the shelf. Trying to do the same to the juices. The aroma of pickle was floating in the air. His parent walked behind. His mother asking “What was that.” As she sniffs the air “Why do I smell pickles”. This startled Charles, Charles said “You must be smelling the jars up there.” Charles point to the pickles up above. Charles parents were not convinced. The tag was still on a piece of glass on the floor that Charles forgot to move. His Dad picks up the glass and say “Someone broke a Jar, with they told someone I am sure the store wouldn’t be mad. Just be nice to know so they could clean it.” As they walked away from the row to find an employee the guilt boiled in Charles.

      Just before they got to the employee Charles suddenly stopped walking. His face showed his guild. Charles mother asked “What’s wrong honey.” Very regretfully Charles comes out and owns up to dropping and breaking the pickle jar. His father chuckles. Charles all confused looks at his father who says “We know, we were waiting for you to own up to your mistake. Now what are you going do when we are in a store before you go and touch things.” Charles father not showing anger but in a way understanding. Charles responded with “Not touch without asking you first.” Then his mother stated “And you can apologize to the employee for breaking their pickles.”

      The visits to the store were just as fun for Charles as before. He did not touch a single thing without asking first. If his parents said no, he did not touch it. The lesson Charles learned that owning up to your mistakes is better than lying about them and also learning from them. Charles eventually would tell other children to ask their parents first trying to set a example. He also got a treat from the store for behaving sometimes.

Photo by Write Pics on / CC BY-NC-ND


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