TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Geometry is Nothing to Laugh Over

As a sophomore, I was very stupid, thinking it was a good idea to procrastinate really didn’t work for me, it ended up cause me to have extreme anxiety and failing my first ever class, geometry. I decided that it wasn’t worth the stress of trying to complete it in the few days that of the school year and that I would just take summer school. Once I was there and realized how dumb I was for procrastinating this easy work that T.B. urged me to do for the last couple of weeks. If only I had listened to him I wouldn’t have the fact that I had failed a class on my permanent record, it wasn’t like it was that hard either I just didn’t want to work hard enough to complete the class. I put it off until the very end and forced myself into taking summer school, wasting my summer to do geometry at a time I would rather be out with friends. I soon realized what a mistake it was to fail the class because the work I had to do was easy, to say the least, and I finished summer school early, finishing with a B+ for a grade. Now being a senior, I wish I could go back and smack myself in the face and tell 16-year-old me to just do the work and stop binge-watching Netflix all the time, cause it’s not working. I’m not quite sure how I ended up being such a lazy person because I have always been very studious and driven to do the absolute best, it feels great to succeed, and failing is not a great feeling. It makes me feel like that one time I got a detention in sixth grade, I bawled my eyes out for the rest of the day and vowed to never procrastinate or fail anything ever again. Obviously, that didn’t stick with me for too long because four years later, and I’m back to failing geometry and procrastinating to the point where I have emotional breakdowns in class. As I look back at these experiences I’ve had throughout high school, I laugh about how much I stressed over everything and procrastinated to the point of crying. I’ve grown so much throughout high, and feel as though personally I’ve come out of my shell and become more willing to take risks. I see that life’s too short to stress over how other people view me based on my actions and that confidence is key, I’ve seen that there’s a change with how much more confident I have become. I’ve seen That affects my schoolwork, I’m more open to volunteer reading in class and I’m more on track with schoolwork oddly enough. I laugh at those who were naive like me to think it’s no big deal to be failing classes and retaking them in the summer, and hope they realize soon that it’s not cool to fail and life’s not always going to hand you second chances when it comes to grades. I’m going to be in college soon and I’m not going to get many chances to retake things, its eye-opening to me, and this year I’ve made it my goal to stay as caught up as possible. So far I’ve done pretty well at it, though I’m still stressing out, it’s not as bad as in past years. It makes me think about why I used to put myself through that all those years, cause it definitely wasn’t worth it. I find it funny how much pressure I put on myself to succeed each year when all I had to do was stay on task. All I can say is that I’m much better at prioritizing my time and setting aside time for homework and social media. Most of the time I stress out over the smallest things like right now me stressing over completing this blog post isn’t worth my time. When I’m done and complete this semester, I’m going to look back and laugh about why I felt like this small inconvenience was what I thought to be world ending. It will be refreshing to start over again with a new semester that I should take easy because this is my last year to make things right, and I’m going to make this year worth it.

Photo by Tim Geers on / CC BY-SA


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  • agoulet19
    January 18, 2019 at 11:19 pm 

    I personally could not agree more about how geometry was easy when you put the effort into the work and do not procrastinate till it is to late. I procrastinate so much in that one math class I had to take it three times and I regret putting myself though that. But I really enjoy how you realized a mistake that was made and how you corrected it but had to pay for the punishment.

  • rgilbert19
    January 19, 2019 at 11:20 am 

    I feel you, I kept on telling myself to stop procrastinating but I always find myself in the same spot each year. Its funny how things turn out.

  • anadeau19
    January 20, 2019 at 9:15 pm 

    I really enjoyed reading this! I relate to this soooo much! I really liked how in your writing you talked about how it is affecting you now and how it could affect you in long terms. I know how you feel though, knowing if you had just done the work you wouldn’t be stress or become all emotional. That is one thing that I also hate about myself; which is how bad I procrastinate. Although, don’t be so hard on yourself! It happens to everyone, it does not define you though. I’m glad you took this experience and learned from it. You are very smart and I believe you will continue doing well in school. Keep working hard, you got it!

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