TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter For The Win

I’ve always heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine” and I never failed to agree to this statement, because I was always happy and surrounded by the right people at the right times. Laughter was a major part of my life, I was known for my unforgettable cackle. That was, until I faced one of the hardest years of my life so far.

When I was fifteen years old I went through a traumatic experience that pulled me into a wave of depression I felt was inescapable. I was weighed down by a blanket of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety. Meanwhile, I had friends and family waiting with open arms to rescue me from this pit, but I was completely blind, and I refused to accept help. I knew what was wrong with me, I knew what was causing my sadness, and because of this I became my own enemy by refusing to admit the truth to myself. I did not want the judgment of others to influence me in any way. I knew they were right, but it was not what I wanted to hear. I put myself into this situation, I refused their help long for too long, and now I was totally and completely alone. I stayed in this state for much too long, that blanket of sadness became my home, and I hated it. I hated it so much that I decided to get out.

Taking the first step to recovery was not easy, it did not happen immediately, in fact it did not happen nearly as quickly or smoothly as I would have prefered. I continued to hit roadblocks, and unhealthy thoughts that made the journey slightly longer, but ultimately, I overcame.

Speaking out for the first time felt like coming up for air after holding your breath underwater for as long as you can. I asked for help, and accepted the support of my family and friends. I soon came to the realization that this is what I needed all along, that pit I put myself in was so easily broken down and forgotten with the help of loved ones. But, the best medicine of all during this time was laughter. After being so quiet for so long, laughter seemed too good to be true. The first real conversation I had with my siblings consisted of full on belly laughing, jokes, and memories. I became myself again, full of joy and positivity. I was able to terms with my struggles, and although the pain did not disappear I was now capable of seeing the greater things in life. People all around me were surprised and overwhelmed with happiness to see me laughing again and communicating positively with friends and family. I was once again known for a loud, hilarious giggle that could not be forgotten.   

Today, I still struggle with the pain from the past, I feel it sometimes just as I did before. The difference is, instead of hiding away and feeding my pain I stand out, and surround myself with happy people. Not only do I use laughter as a healing method, I have made it a goal for myself to spread laughter to others and always be someone that can make everybody smile. Seeing others laugh makes me laugh, so ultimately I am helping myself by helping others. I could not be more grateful for the family and friends I am surrounded by that helped me realize how special and spectacular laughter can be.

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