TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Group With an Impact Like No Other

My first day of summer football freshman year. I pulled into the parking lot and sat there for a minute; I contemplated even getting out of the car. Coming into high school I hated football; it was easily my least favorite sport, and the only reason I continued to play was to be with my friends. Another reason I kept playing was because I wanted to get to know new people before high school started, that way I had some familiar faces. Conveniently my freshman year I was a quarterback so the first drill I did was with the starting quarterback.

I don’t know how familiar everyone is with him but at this point the starting quarterback was a 2 time, going on 3 time state champion, and I had only played quarterback for three games in my entire life. So this was around equivalent to Tom Brady and a high school quarterback in my eyes. Although this was very intimidating I did not shy away, I tried to learn everything I could from him, and I am glad that I did. One of the biggest things that I learned from him is that no matter how much you hate football, or hate going to practice everyday, the relationships and the people around you will make it worth it in the long run. All I thought at the moment was that it was easy for him to like football as he had won a bunch of state titles and numerous individual awards. What I didn’t realize at the moment was that even though I would not win another state title, the relationships that I made were just as important.

Now looking back at my football career I realize that even though I have a state ring in football and how glorious of a thing it must seem to be, I have only worn the ring two or three times since I got it. When I see that ring I do not think of the state game and celebrating after. I think of each practice that season, showing up every day and getting beaten up by a bunch of kids four years older than me, and the speeches in the locker room pregame. Fast forward to my senior year and I have not won anymore awards or state championships. I didn’t even get to play in half of my senior season, but when I think about football this is the year I will always think about. The reason I think of this year is because the roles were reversed. I was a captain of the football team doing my best to help guide underclassmen and teach them how to get the most out of football. When I think of this season I don’t think of listening to others speak and being inspired, I think of a bunch of kids who it feels like were freshman yesterday having to do their best to guide others.

My freshman year feels like yesterday but during my time in football it felt like a lifetime. I will always be willing to do anything for anyone on that team, as every member on that team truly made an impact on me. I highly encourage to anyone who is not in a club or extracurricular to join, because if you work hard and do your best everyday you might get lucky enough to be in the same situation that I was in over the last four years.

Even though football is not my favorite sport I love the family that it brought to me, and will never forget all that the community around the team has brought to me. I will always remember the locker room speeches or even warming up on the field. From seven on seven to the state game there is no better community that I could have ever been a part of. I am incredibly thankful for all that they have done to help my growth throughout high school. In conclusion thank you to everyone and good luck in your futures, I hope that you pursue a group of people that helps to push you and make you a better person everyday.

Photo by akahawkeyefan on / CC BY-NC-SA


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1 Comment

  • rcote19
    May 24, 2019 at 7:55 am 

    This is a really good piece of writing. I can relate to what you are saying as football was not my favorite sport but some of my greatest memories involve football. you used really good language incluiding simlies pathoes and other lit terms in this peice of wrighting. good job ethan keep up the great work.

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