TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A real G

My dearest friend J Hackett is a real g. She will always be there for me when I need her and I will always be there for her when she needs me. Over the couple of years we have gotten very close again. Just like good ol times. Her family is like my second family now. Her mom is like my mom. Always will text Victoria when I am in need of something or even sometimes facetime her because she does love my random facetime calls. Something that I love about her is that she is very honest and straight up and J Hackett is like that so they do not put up with no crap because why would you want to get lied to. It sure is not a good feeling. Lets just say J Hackett is always there and is a phone call away even if it was 2 in the morning.

At the beginning of our senior year together we both had early release from school at the time she was playing soccer for our local school team. My house is maybe a minute down from the road so when on the days we had early release we would just go back to my house because her house was like 10 minutes away. So it was just easier to go to my house. Whenever we would get to my house we would just relax, maybe do some homework but mostly watch movies because then at two she would have to go back to the school for soccer practice. Whenever we got to my house I would always make her something for lunch because she’s a little bit special in the head and did not remember to pack a lunch of most days before practice and all of the games even if they were far away or at home.

Also at the beginning of our senior year I took J Hackett to the Urgent Care because she was having personal problems with her body that she needed to get looked at and to get medicine for. It was quite an adventure to the clinic I would stay at. We wasted 2 hours just sitting there and just got some pills. But it was okay because in the matter of 5 days her personal problem with her body was gone because of those great pills the doctor gave her. I’d say I did a good job bringing her there to get looked at so she would stop her whining and screaming.

Another way I helped J Hackett out this year was to bring her to her local Dunkin where she worked at her checks and always free Dunkin drinks and food all the time. I really only went for the free food because Dunkin is very expensive now. The prices keep on going up and up because minimum wage is going up.

J Hackett recently just helped me out over February break because in the middle of the break I got into a car accident and did not have a car for about 3 weeks. She was there for me and threw all of it. That day that I had to drop off my car at the shop. We took her great car and went down to portland with it because we were trying on dresses that day for prom. I did not find a dress but J Hackett did. After we were at the mall we went to Chipotle to eat some dinner because we were both so hungry. Her car barely goes over 70 so it was a little bit scary driving on the highway there and back home to because once her car hits 70 the whole thing will shake and it is not good. But it will still get us to places we need to go. I think later that day I just slept over her house that night because she did not want to bring me home and I was fine with that. The next day I worked and then after work J Hackett had called me saying be ready in 30 we are going to portland so you can look at more prom dresses and I can buy mine that I liked. So we ended up taking her mom’s car instead and going down there. It was so much better honestly. I think after that she dropped me back at home and I had to sleep at home that night because I was in charged of watching the dog for the night and he can not be left alone at night because he is getting old and will go to the bathroom inside the house if he is not let out when he needs to be. He can not keep things in anymore. The day after that I had called J Hackett to see what she was doing and when she answered the phone she was half asleep because she had just gotten home from work. We were gonna go ice fishing that day. But apparently to her my house is wayyyy to far for her driving abilities . So she had her brother come pick me up and then we went back to her house and down to the ice where her entire family was because it was a beautiful day to go out on the ice to ice fish. But no one barely caught anything. I do not know why maybe it just was not a good time or a good place to go. Also when I did not have a car she offered to bring me to work but I had found rides from my grandparents so it was the thought that counts I guess. I am very grateful for that. Then she offered to bring me to school but I eventually had my moms car until mine got fixed because she had a rental car.

I can always count on J Hackett for mostly everything and when she is not sleeping she will pick up her phone whenever I call her if there were to be an emergency. Also Victoria is always there for me whenever I need her too. Their whole family is a great family and I love them to pieces. I do not know what I would do without them in my life at this time.

Photo by Hot Rod Homepage on / CC BY


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  • cvalliere20
    March 27, 2020 at 11:10 am 

    Great showing of how best friends are there for each other. I liked how you were able to include a story about how you helped your friend and then a story about how a friend helped you. I thought you did a great job telling both stories. How long have you and Josie been friends for?

  • abyras20
    April 7, 2020 at 1:55 pm 

    I am glad that you have a person that you can rely on to be there for you. I like when oyu said “Lets just say J Hackett is always there and is a phone call away even if it was 2 in the morning” because having great friends feels good. I also like the part where you go to Portland with your friend.

  • jhackett20
    May 20, 2020 at 6:27 pm 

    What a good friend she sounds like! You guys seem like you have a great friendship. Im sure she would appreciate the personal info you included. Can’t leave those details out. Really good job telling us how you have both helped each other.

  • eahlberg20
    May 24, 2020 at 2:04 pm 

    Very nice how you guys can rely on someone so much. It’s good to have friends like that in your life. Such honest and open minded people make the best of friends, especially when they are willing to have as much fun as you are. I like how you used anecdotes in your essay to show the relationship you and Josie share together, makes everyone understand how great of friends you are!

  • nlinkel20
    May 26, 2020 at 6:31 pm 

    This is a very nice story about good friendship. It is nice that you and your friend can rely on each other for things like car rides and phone calls. It was especially cool that she helped you get rides whenever you didn’t have a car. It must be very comforting to have a family away from home.

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