TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


This happened last week on a Friday. Me and Olivia, my girlfriend, we’re going to go get pizza for dinner at the corner store or Maine Street Market. We park on the side of the road and get out of the car. We see our friend Emily Plourdes’ car outside. I was then like “Oh I forgot Emily works here” so we got to the sidewalk. Olivia proceeds to say “it looks slushy ” as I walk onto it and I didn’t expect to slip on the slush because I thought it wouldn’t be frozen but indeed it was. I slipped but surprisingly I unexpectedly regained my balance. Olivia starts to laugh at me and I was like “I didn’t fall at least” she’s still laughing. We head inside the store and get the pizzas. We say bye to Emily and head out the door. We get halfway to my car and I’m a little ahead of Olivia and I hear behind me “I just fell Isaiah” I turn around and there she is lying on the ground. I say to her “that’s karma for laughing at me.”

This happened back in two-thousand sixteen my house caught fire around two am and it was pitch black. He ended up making the road which opened up more circulation for wind. We had a wood boiler outside of our house that would heat our house and the person my parents bought the house from never had any problems with the wood boiler. I’m not trying to say that my neighbor caused the fire but he created more wind by creating this new road. The road just made the wind faster so one night around two in the morning the wood boiler was running. Then a piece of ash hit the side of the house causing it to catch fire unexpectedly.

I was going to the bank a couple of months ago and I pulled into the atm but there was someone in front of me getting money. The person then leaves and then I pull up to the atm to only unexpectedly realize that the person forgot their card in the atm. I grab the card and I see the person at the light I book it out of the bank trying to catch up to the person. The light turns green and they take a left at the light. I then get to the light and turn left, there is another light and it turns red and the person just made it. I then wait for thirty seconds for the light to turn green and then go straight trying to see if they are at a red light but unfortunately they were not. I then picked up my phone and called my mom to tell her that this girl left her card in the atm. She said, “just head home so we can look up the person on Facebook”. I head home and we look up the person. We don’t expect to find the person but we find the person and she texts us back. She thanked me for doing the right thing. Then my mom met up with her and gave her back her card.

When I was a kid I lived in Lewiston and this one summer I was outside with my mom. My sister was somewhere else outside. We are looking for her but then see the car backing up slowly my mom rushes to the car to stop the car just in time before she hit another car.

When I was a sophomore I wanted to know how to do a backflip on the ground. I knew how to do one on a trampoline. So I practiced and practiced on trampolines just about every Friday because I would go to Aero Air Trampoline Park in Lewiston. I would also go flip into the foam pit that way I wouldn’t hurt myself. Then I also practiced in the school gym with Ausborn Boston on mats. Then one day I was in the gym and I just wanted to do it, so AJ and Ausborn were getting me hyped up. I got on to the mat scared for my life, I got into position and then I jumped and rotated my body doing a complete backflip. I landed it perfectly without expecting to land it. Ever since I landed the backflip I could do it whenever I even tried new tricks because the backflip gave me confidence.

About a month ago I was driving my car to go drop off my sister at her boyfriend’s house. I turn right at an intersection right where the settlement is in Sabattus. A car is behind me and they decide to pass me over to solid lines going like eighty miles per hour, it scared me too. He is long gone then, a cop passes me with his lights off. He speeds up then is speeding up to catch this guy. I see him pull the guy over with his lights on and the guy got pulled over for being on his phone because we saw a phone in the person’s hand. This event reminds me of Dennis the Menace. It reminds me of it because you have a robber who takes Dennis and all these bad things happen to him basically Karma. So when this guy passed me they got Karma and me and my sister started to laugh because I told my sister “watch this person get pulled over” then he did get pulled over.

Photo by Robert Couse-Baker on / CC BY


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  • eplourde20
    May 26, 2020 at 3:29 pm 

    Karma is always fun to deal with, not! Sounds like you’ve ran into some bad and good karma. Congrats on getting your back flip solid, you’re like the only person I know personally that can do one! Seems like you’ve had some pretty eventful things happen to you. For me I feel like karma is an every day event. One action leads into the next whether it’s good or bad. For example last night I was out way later then I should have been due to my moms rules and working today and as I pull down my road my car started to sound weird. It sounded like a flat to me so I just drove it the rest of the way home and what do you know, I was right! Bad karma in my case.

  • hspencer20
    May 29, 2020 at 12:45 pm 

    Karma is a cruel mistress, and there are plenty of examples in my life. Just last week, as my brother and I were working demo, we had torn up the floor on the second level of the building, and not watching where he had stepped, my brother falls right through the sheet rock and down to the first floor. Naturally, I start laughing, but of course, the first step I take to look down the hole he made, I broke through and fell right down next to him. It happens to all of us.

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