TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Missed Opportunities

To the class of 2020 you have made it to graduation you have to realize that in life that life is just a bunch of opportunities that you either take or let go. The reason that it is important that you realize this at a young age is that you have to learn that it is important that you take as many of the opportunities that are presented in front of you. Even me, as a young person, has had to make decisions on what was the best opportunity for myself to take and I am sure that all of you have had to make those decisions. One of the opportunities that most of us were presented with is the chance to go to college. Whether you chose to take that opportunity or to go straight into the workforce you choose to do that for a reason and it was probably because you were presented with an opportunity that you felt was a better choice for you. For me I choose that a trade school would be a better choice for me but I ultimately choose the school I did because it gave me the opportunity to get my certificate.

The first time that I started to realize this was when we went on the tour of the LRTC building and learned of all of the different programs that they had. I ultimately decided that I wanted to try electrical so I applied to their electricity program. This opportunity was available to me because of not just Lewiston but also because of what Oak Hill has to offer. This was one of the first times that I had seized an opportunity that was presented in front of me. The reason that this is important to understand is that the first opportunity that you seize does not have to be a big opportunity for it to be worth your while to chase that opportunity. 

As much as I have found out that it is important to seize the opportunities that are presented in front of you when they are there because when they are gone you may not be able to get it again. I found this out the spring/ summer of my junior year when my dad presented me with an opportunity to be able to travel around the country and install electric car charging stations with an electrical company. He had heard about this possible job opening through a friend of his that had a family member who worked for the company that had this job opening. At the time I did not realize the opportunity that was really presented in front of me before it was too late and now I can not get a job like that because they are very hard to come by. At the time I was thinking that I may not be able to handle being away from home for that long and that is why I did not want to do it. Now looking back at it I have now realized how much it would have helped me not just in my career but also as a person. I think that it would have helped me become more responsible but also help me experience a part of the electrical field that is up and coming and could be a big part of electrical in the future.  

With all of this being said I just want you to realize how important it is that if you can take as many opportunities as you can because you may never be able to have that chance again in your lifetime. This could mean that you take an opportunity to do a study abroad program that allows you to study in a part of the world that you may never get the chance to visit again or take a job that may not be in your comfort zone but could lead to great careers. To the class of 2020 make sure that you take these opportunities that are presented to you and we can do great things as a group.

Photo by clevercupcakes on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • hvinal20
    May 28, 2020 at 1:38 pm 

    Chances and oppotunities are a huge part of what makes high school special, for trade school and college it is awesome to have a history and a future taking part of them. Congratulations.

  • ashannon20
    May 28, 2020 at 3:14 pm 

    Very good message. Seizing opportunities in front of you is an important part of growing as an individual.

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