TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

How Laughter Affects Us All

How exactly does laughter affect me and my life? Well just keep reading and you’ll find out! Let me give you a brief background about me. Up until I was 8 I was a very happy kid. I lived with my mom, my brother and my stepdad. We had a stable home, I got to have whatever I wanted for the most part, and we were all so close. Shortly after I turned 8, my stepdad cheated on my mom and it became the start of a very bad sequence of events. Right after my stepfather had cheated on my mom they split up and we haven’t seen him since. We took all of our belongings and pets in a U-Haul truck and starting driving towards California. We got to California and instantly I knew that it was going to be hard. We constantly were in and out of hotels. We couldn’t afford to live anywhere else. For a good time we were living in our car and it was some of the worst times of my life. Once I moved back to Maine to live with my dad; I met my number one best friend. We will just call her Alissa. Me and Alissa always were doing very dumb things that definitely got us into a little trouble. We were class clowns. This one time though I remember cracked me up so hard that I couldn’t stop cackling like a little school girl.

So let me tell you exactly what happened. Alright, about two or three years ago Alissa and I were at school. I had a really tough day that day, but I was excited to see her. My parents never really let me hang out with anyone at home so when I got to school I was extremely excited to see all of my friends. Alissa and I had a couple classes together but our favorite class was Theater Arts. This was where we could really be ourselves. We were giggling like always because we were always making jokes. We then decided that it would be a good idea to try and rocket launch a pencil from my water bottle when it was dead silent in class. My water bottle was shaped so that the handle was facing directly upwards. So we set the pencil on the edge of the handle so that the eraser was dangling off of it by a hair. She pushed the heel of her hand off of the eraser and it bounced and hit the ceiling. Her face dropped and her eyes became so large. We both looked at each other and busted out giggling. We sat there for probably five minutes just dying from laughter.

Although that moment was intensely immature and it was a disturbance to my class, it was kind of a weird bonding moment with her. We have always had ups and downs. We have kind of fallen out and we aren’t really as close as we used to be anymore. I think that I could have used a different time in my life, but I wanted to point out that we all do dumb things. Even though it was like I said extremely immature, I wanted to mention how there are good outcomes with negative moments. Throughout the 17 years of my life, I can say that this is a moment I will never forget.

“Laugh” by sarah0s is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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