Social media has been a controversial topic for a while now. Some people say social media is bad and they need to be held accountable for that. However, some people say it is a good way for people to learn and express themselves. The problems that they’re in social media are mostly involved with teenagers. Obviously the main problem with it is cyber bullying but another problem is that teenagers are starting to have a problem with the way they look. What I mean by this is that they see other teenagers our age with millions of followers look a certain way they feel like there only choice is to look and act like them. This causes teenagers to get depressed about how they look. Social media has to be changed because there are major problems that they have to fix because of cyber bullying and making sure young kids and teenagers don’t feel like they have to look and act a certain way.
Cyber bullying is a big problem on social media. People can say something to someone else anonymously. This is a massive problem as everyone can imagine because if you say something to someone knowing that they won’t be able to know who said it people can say some pretty screwed up things. Cyber bullying damages peoples lives and the cyber bullying problem on social media deserves more attention. People need to be more aware of what they say to people online and realize that there is serious consequences with what they say. Not enough people understand that what they say on social media could make someone inflict harm on themselves. Cyber bullying has to stop and the first step in doing this is building awareness behind it.
Lastly, social media has to make it so teenagers don’t feel like the only way they can be liked is to live the celebrity lifestyle. Teenagers when they realize they can’t live the celebrity lifestyle feel really down on themselves. They make it seem like the only way to be well liked in this world is to be and look like a celebrity. People need to change this way of thinking. Teenagers need to realize to just be yourself and not try to live this fake lifestyle. Celebrity’s are promoted so much on social media apps that’s all everyone see’s and it wires teenagers brains that way. This way of thinking is not okay and big social media companies need to realize that instead of contentiously promoting that.
In conclusion, social media companies need to stop these things and stop trying to make the most money as possible. They know that it is hurting teenagers and young adults but they continue doing it. People need to start taking a stand and get these companies to notice them. Although, there are a lot of good benefits of social media such as it’s easy to learn, a way to communicate, and a way to meet new people. They still need to fix the bad things and stop making money off of ruining kids lives.
“Instagram logo on gradient header” by SmedersInternet is licensed under CC BY 2.0