TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

One Scary Night

One night, my friend and I were home alone house sitting for my parents who were trail riding up north. It was late, probably around 11:00 pm. We were extremely bored and had just finished eating “dinner” (chips, candy, soda). Little did we know we were soon about to regret our choices to eliminate our boredom.

I came up with the brilliant idea of curing our boredom by asking my friend “Hey, do you want to watch true scary videos on Youtube?”. My friend reluctantly agreed, and we sat in my room and put on a video called “scary ghosts caught on camera”. About ten minutes into the video, we started to get paranoid. Every single creak inside the house or gust of wind outside my window jumped us a little. I quickly paused the video and asked “Did we lock all the doors?”. We both started feeling our hearts race and fear rising as we couldn’t remember if all the doors and windows were locked. My friend and I both agreed to check the entire house for ghosts before going to bed, and by this time it was almost midnight so you can imagine how it must’ve fed into our paranoid thoughts. We checked all entries to my house and deadbolted every door we could. There was one last place to check– the basement. At this point we were so scared we refused to go down. We ran upstairs, got to my room, and locked the door. Between the moment of us being downstairs and running up to my room felt like life or death, and we ran as fast as we possibly could. It was almost like a workout. I looked down at my Apple Watch and got a notification to “breathe”. Looking back on this moment, I find it humorous that I was so worked up my watch had to tell me to calm down. When we got to my room safely, we immediately shut the video off and tried to shift our focus on something more lighthearted and fun, but all we had on our minds now was the scary ghosts we saw on the video and how my house is potentially haunted.

Finally, we fell asleep. The next morning we woke up and discussed what just happened the night before. We laughed at ourselves and made fun of how scared we were over the “ghosts” in my house. Whenever we look back on it we can’t help but laugh at how stupid we were being. We finally learned our lesson to never watch scary videos while home alone, and how funny it was that we were so scared that we had to lock every door and window in my house.

Image Citation:

“‘Sad face ghost'” by goldberg is licensed under


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