TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Every Kid’s Dream

Have you ever wanted to go where ever you want, whenever you wanted? well so did I but I lost that chance. It’s every kid’s dream to get into high school, get your license, start driving and then get your own vehicle. well just like every kid this was my dream and for me, it was a lot better and easier than everyone else. I was promised a deal by my dad, that if I could keep up with my schoolwork he would pay for driver’s ed, a vehicle just for me, and even gas and all the Maintainance. I fumbled the bag.

Not only was I told that I could have all this if I just did my schoolwork, but I both sides of the path. I have an older brother who couldn’t keep up with his schoolwork and had to pay for his own vehicle, gas, and maintenance. I have an older sister who did her schoolwork and my dad got her a car, gas, and does all her maintenance. And after hearing and seeing all of this you would think that I would easily come into high school and do all of my work. Well, I did I walked into that high school with that one goal in mind and so for the longest time my grades were outstanding. Then I got comfortable with how easy school was and so I started to slack off just a little bit. Not enough to get behind but enough that I would skip doing my work for a couple of nights and then do it all on the weekend. Then I got even more comfortable with how easy that was and slacked off even more. Next thing I knew they told us hockey was coming up and they were gonna have grade checks soon. I heard the word soon and instantly knew I was fine and that I could continue with what I was doing. my new goal was hockey, It was the only thing on my mind. I would come home from school and go down in my basement and stickhandle and shoot for hours. After I got tired of playing down in my basement I would go upstairs and watch youtube all on hockey. Hockey was on my mind so much that I forgot about doing all my schoolwork so then when they said grade checks were gonna be Friday I panicked. I had forgotten all about the work that I had so much to do and so little time to make it up. This is it I thought, this is the end. I was stressed out and since I was stressed out I couldn’t do my work then when grades were closed the worst happened. I got a letter home that I wasn’t passing any of my classes, and I got pulled into Palmer’s office and told me I was ineligible to play hockey and that a new term was in effect that if you miss a grade check you can’t play for the rest of the season. That was It that was the end of my dreams.

now some of you would say wait that was only freshman year what about everything else? Like you could still get your license at some point over those four years. You would be right I absolutely still had that chance. But that’s not what I did, I still do this day get behind in class. So now I follow my brother and have to buy everything myself but it’s not so bad. I don’t mind the idea of owning everything I have, it gives you a sense of pride and makes you more responsible. But all of this did teach me one thing which is to never fumble the bag when someone hands it to you.

Off-road driving” by The U.S. Army is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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