TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Research

As you begin to start thinking about going to college and reaseurching college no matter what grade your in it can be alot of work at once to take in. Along with looking for a college you also have to juggle with finding and filling out scholorships. College in my oppion would be somthing to definitely start sooner rather than later but I would recommend to not make final decisions on schools you want to apply to until after you know what degree you want to go for and than better pick schools around that degree. If your not already aware of it scholorships are giving to you from orginizations such as the knights of columbas and so on. They all usully have a paper you have to fill out along with possibly righting a essay and in which they will pick you from the other kids that submitted the paper and pick the students that they will give money to for school. Each orginization is different some give out moutible scholorships and some only give out one.

A big rush when it comes to picking a college is that there is a deadline for everything I have presonnaly esperenced almost getting hit with these deadlines but with know things information make sure to get your information in befor the deadlines. There are deadline for applying to schools along with visit days they have certain days you can go I obvlisly think this makes sense but I highly recommend you try to stay on top of it all so you dont miss out on anything. For example the college that I visited we had to set up a seperate day than what they advertised because the days they advertiesed didn’t fit my schedule that well. Scholorships also have deadlines but it’s even harder to figure out because they are mostly due on different days but scholorships are very inportant and I highly recoomend you apply for as many as you can to help pay off collage. Colleges are very good at helping new students when they have problems any college if you try to get in contact about a problem you have weither it’s with applying to it or somthing else they will be willing to help out.

The main problem people have is they try to rush it all in at the end without being fully prepared and in which I think they should’t and instead start earlier and give more time so they dont rush it. You deffinitly dont want to do that as that could result in you not getting in and having no where to go for college. College can be very complicated but help is always availible via your school counsolur or the college your trying to get in contact with. The help you can get from people can really make a affect and help your college process

In conclusion I would definitely say that the sooner you start looking for a college the batter but I would also say you should wait till you know what you would like to do in the future before making final decision. I would also say that the sooner you start filling out scholarships the better they are very easy to get behind on or forget about and they can really help in the future more than you may think at the time.

College 3D” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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