TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Calling is Worth it

With the heavy daily usage of mobile phones now, communication is a lot different than it was in the past. While texting is now a very dominant way of communication, I believe that phone calls are just as important. Text messages can be faster and easier, but hearing someone’s voice changes communication completely. Text messages even try to replicate this through emojis but it is not the same. Phone calls can capture the tone of someone’s voice and create a genuine connection between people compared to reading text on a screen. Emotion can much more easily be conveyed through a phone call rather than a text message. There are many ways to communicate with other people with the technology today, but I still believe that phone calls are better than text messages for numerous reasons.

Phone calls provide an opportunity, unlike sending a text message, to give a personal feeling to someone as if you were actually having an in-person conversation with them. Unlike sending a text message where you feel detached from whoever you are “talking” to. Little things like hearing the tone and cadence in someone’s voice can’t be replicated visually through a screen. Calls allow for pauses in speech with meaning, not just thinking that someone hasn’t read your message yet. This means that if you ask someone something, it allows for instant response or feedback.

An even better, more personal method of communication with someone these days is using Facetime. This not only captures everything a phone call does, it captures, in real time, your live face and any reactions/facial expressions you make with a video chat. It is the closest you can currently get to talking to someone in person without actually standing next to them. 

Personally, I send many more text messages everyday than I do make phone calls. Text messages are much more convenient but I still feel that hearing someone’s voice has a lot more meaning to me than a text does. Many times I have misread messages or just misinterpreted what someone was saying because texting is a very different way of communicating with someone than verbally speaking to them. For this reason, I will always have the preference for phone calls, but will still end up using both in my day to day life.

Phone” by levhita is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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