TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Caring to Much

Last Sunday morning my mom wanted me to sign up for an early college class so I had to sign in to the website that the college used for the remote classes. Last year I took some early college classes so I was already familiar with the website. I went to sign into the website as I already had an account I thought this would be a simple process that wouldn’t take that long when the username and password that my mom had written down as mine for the website when the password failed to log me in my mom became very angry very quickly. My mom is typically a calm person but she is usually in control of any situation and when she can’t she gets mad very mad, my mom has gotten mad before but never so red in the face and as she tried to take over the process and only continued to fail her anger only continued to grow. When I was signing in I thought that this would take about 10 or 20 minutes but as the hour dragged on and everything that my mom wanted me to try and do to sign on failed again and again she started to yell and scream at me and the laptop and everything that could be seen.

At my job when there’s an angry customer we just talk to them and try to calm them down but when my mom is this angry she doesn’t let anyone talk to her, or they too are screamed at, so as I sat in there quietly waiting for her to calm down trying to ignore most of the yelling, but when she didn’t I began feeling angry about how she wasn’t listening to me and just ignoring everything I was trying to do to help, but staying calm is a very important skill and I just imagined it as if I was at a job and she was my boss. After about half an hour of this, I began to almost steam with anger that I wasn’t talking louder and that I wasn’t more vocal about how I felt I just talked calmly and didn’t yell at her even when she deliberately insulted me I just continued to try and sign in to this website, I don’t like getting angry because It makes me feel horrible about myself and I feel embarrassed about how childish getting that mad makes me feel, so I stay calm and try to ignore what is making me that mad.

Fifteen minutes later when I finally did something that I thought would sign me Into this website she just screamed at me some more because she hadn’t told me to do it and when it worked it only made her more livid, but I just sat there waiting for her to finish with the yelling and screaming. When she calmed down after a long time I got to sign up for the college class. This process should have taken less than fifteen minutes it took almost two hours. During the whole time, I just sat there and waited for her to calm down when I was sitting there with my mom trying to control something she didn’t understand. I was so mad I almost snapped and was very close to yelling right bad at her, but I managed to stay calm and not get angry because I knew that if I did it would have been a very long time before that argument would have ended. In the end, I learned that for some people getting something right the first time without help can be frustrating, And it’s important to try and let these people calm down on their own.

Mad Mad Mom” by skye_sd is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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