TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Lost Patience

In the year, 2022 Wales Fire and Rescue Departments were asked to cover the ice fishing derby on Sabbatus Pond, Wales was not the only one to cover the event as this is one of the biggest events in the area. Sabbatus Fire was asked by Wales Fire to cover from Maitn’s Point so they were on the other side if something happened. While Wales Fire and Rescue were stationed at the main base off in a snowy field next to Libby road in Wales. The day was so cold that it felt like we were in an ice bath. The Chief’s wife, Jr Firefighter Voye, and I were outside are heated trailer that we were running operations in for the deby.

We were selling hot coffee, hot chocolate, hot dogs, and muffins. We also had soda but it only was bought by the firefighters. Litchfield and Greene Fire departments Both showed up with their UTVs we assigned them to stay at base and when the Wales UTV got back from patrol one of them would be sent out. That way one unit was always on patrol, one was on stand-by, and the other was on brake. Sabbatus was to be on stand-by with their UTV and if they needed anything it would be brought with them so we did not lose a fast response to the southern side of the lake. As normal Sabbatus did not stay patent while waiting for food, they came down from their post to the main base and got food from the vendor trucks. This did not make us happy as they did not inform us that they were breaking their post. So I remained calm and patient and went inside the command trailer to inform them that Sabbatus was there. At this time Litchfield was out on patrol and they called back to base to inform us that there was a snowmobile crash and to start both Sabbatus and Greene as those were the units that were supposed to be on standby. Greene responded but Sabbatus did not hear the call or something was not sure. But it made it so Wales had to gear up fast in water rescue gear just in case the snowmobile went through the ice as it was protocol to have one unit in water rescue gear. When everyone got on the scene we were informed that it was just a rollover and everyone was above water. Litchfield took control of patient care, Greene was sent back to patrol and Wales took care of the wrecked snowmobile.

Litchfield was staffed by Rescue Chief Danforth. and a firefighter that I don’t know. Greene was staffed with the two firefighters. Wales had many members attend more than the other departments. When they got back from the crash Chief told all the departments that “all the departments that attended the crash would be getting pizza from Sabbatus House of Pizza for lunch on him” At this news Sabbatus decided that they were done for the day and returned home. It was only 12:30 and there were many more hours left to the event. Wales arrived there at 3 in the morning and we did not leave until 6 at night. After this event, I had to attend dinner with my grandparents as they came back from Florida, and did not see them for a while. The whole time I was at dinner I was struggling to stay awake I was trying to be patient with them as they were bickering with each other. I was getting very agitated with them it felt like two cats fighting. when we got home I learned not to go to an event that was predisposed to drama and then follow it with more drama.

Lake Superior Ice Fishing” by chumlee10 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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