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The Cloud Trail

Some of you might know what a digital footprint is some of you may not and that’s ok. A digital footprint is when you are on the internet everything you do like post pictures, memes, and or even news leaves a trail even if you simply just click on different websites. You could be leaving a positive digital footprint or a negative digital footprint. I know that not everyone knows about this because even I didn’t know about this till I did some research.

A positive digital footprint is important because It can expand your social network in a positive way that could catch the eye of employers. Some of you might be asking what is a positive digital footprint and lucky for you I am going to tell you. A positive digital footprint is when you are on the internet before you click on websites or when you post something just think before you act. Think about whether is this smart and will negatively affect me. Sometimes maybe you see this news article talking about something false and you decide to post it and it happens to spread around and you just spread false information. It could even be like is this thing I am posting inspiring to someone and or even helpful for someone?

A positive digital footprint is important because it could attract positive attention and get your name out there in a positive way. ” Nearly every online activity leaves a trace. Some traces are obvious, like a public social media post.” What is a digital footprint? (no date) IBM. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024). This quote supports my thesis because it talks about how everything you do on the internet is a digital footprint. Well, there are many things you can do to make a positive digital footprint. I would say the best thing you could do would be to THINK before you post, send a text, or do anything on the internet. When you think before you act and say you share a post of the news and someone didn’t know that there was a bad Ice storm that was supposed to hit or maybe a hurricane and they only found out because of your post that would be helpful and maybe inspire them to look at the news ahead of time.

Positive footprints can benefit you in many ways, say you were being hired and they searched your name up and a bunch of positive things pop up that would be a positive digital footprint. ” Every trace a person or company leaves behind, taken together, forms their digital footprint. “What is a digital footprint? (no date) IBM. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024) the quote supports my thesis because shows how not just you have to worry about leaving positive digital footprint companies too if you search for something about a company and it was a bad reputation for that company how would you feel about that company, probably not good. Then I would think to myself have I ever posted something that wasn’t true or have I posted something hurtful toward someone else? If you are saying yes to some of these things maybe you should start to think about what you are posting, texting, and or even clicking on the internet. let’s start making a positive trail by posting or texting something inspiring to someone.”Footprints in the snow” by neilalderney123 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Footprints in the snow


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