TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

New and Approved Technology

Self-driving cars are today’s most wanted and liked cars, but Are also probably the most expensive cars. With Technology expanding and new things coming to the surface, anything is bound to be made and people are bound to buy it.

Who is making these products? Google started work on the pioneering technology eight years ago, and where helped by expert recruits from Stanford. Uber, Volvo, China’s Baidu, Apple, and other Manufacturers are starting to work on self-driving technology as well. Many big Businesses and companies have started to work on self-driving technology because they want to keep up with what other companies are coming out with. The most complex part of a self-driving system is the software that collects the data, analyses it and actually drives the vehicle. It has to be capable of recognizing and differentiating between cars, bikes, people, animals and other objects as well as the road surface, where the car is in relation to built-in maps and be able to react to an often unpredictable environment. There is a lot of work to put into these self driving cars for them to be “safe” and “accurate” even though some are not the most accurate nor safe.

Are self-driving cars better for people and the roads? With self-driving cars things can go wrong easily and quickly, there has been many incidents of cars moving to the other side when its not safe, not being able to fully indicate something in the road or even just not stopping in time. The cars have to be 100% fully accurate to work how they are supposed to and sometimes manufacturers slack on some things which makes the car not safe at all. During certain seasons, weather conditions like snow, hail, downpour, and some road conditions self-driving cars should not be driving on. You are putting more than just yourself at risk, but anyone else that is near you or on the road. You don’t 100% know if the car will be able to control itself, or even be safe in certain conditions which is scary.

Why are people enthralled by these cars? A lot of people have been looking forward to the new self-driving cars because they think it’s cool, or even more helpful. They are fascinated by not having to drive, steer, stop, signal, etc. These cars are very expensive and they use batteries instead of actual gas which some people like a lot more. All the new cars coming out with different styles and looks to them, will catch anyone’s eye and make they think twice about spending the money if they have it. New Technology captivates people and becomes something they want to get involved in or just have. The new technology that will be coming out, the more humans will be spending money, becoming lazy, and even more careless, which is not how it should be. The cars are very different and much smarter, but they also cause more accidents and more lazy humans.

Self-driving cars are a big step in technology today, but it’s definitely not the best step. The further we learn, and build with new technology, the faster it will be taken over.

Google self-driving car” by Bekathwia is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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