TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Taking Risks

How often do people takes risks? How often do you personally take risks? If the answer is “not very often” then we are truly missing out on life. Most people have this same response and it’s actually pretty sad. How can one enjoy life if they never do anything risky? How can one do anything if they don’t take any chances? Fear rules this cold hearted world. The greatest accomplishment someone can have is overpowering fear. Usually people who take more risks have a more exciting and a more enjoyable life. Keeping to yourself and never taking a chance on anything can lead to a very sad and disappointing life. If someone is afraid to take risks, then what is the point in living? Some people are afraid to do so many things and it’s ridiculous. Life is shorter than we realize. It’s not like any of us are getting out of this world alive, so why not take these chances? Why not live life to the fullest and make it the most fun as possible while it lasts?

It amazes me at how people are just willing to watch their dreams fade away. They have a dream, but they are too afraid to go after it. Following this dream requires them to take chances that are risky. Hold up, why are we not doing what we want to do in life? This is our life, we are in control, nobody else. We should be able to do what we want to do and not be afraid of something going wrong. If nobody was willing to take chances, this world wouldn’t even be worth living. We need to take the first steps and go after what we want. Nobody is going to do it for us so we are on our own.

Overcoming fear can be as simple as talking to a person that stands out from our point of view. We all have that one person we are scared to talk to because we are afraid of their reaction. Honestly, what is the worst thing that could happen? Take the risk and talk to this person. It could lead to great things that nobody else thought was possible. It could also lead to nothing, but what does that matter? At least we took the risk and tried. If we decide to sit back and not attempt anything, we are missing out on so many opportunities. The world is endless with possibilities. We just need to have the confidence to make these possibilities possible. We will never be as young as we are now so what are we waiting for? Lets go live life.

Featured Image: “Wingsuit First Flight Course” by Richard Schnelder @Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)


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