TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Positives to Video Games!!

Now lets talk about the positives, They have schooling for  Game Design, which means you have an option to go

Career # of people
Video game Development 700,000-8000,000
Game Design 79,000-90,000

Pham, Alex. “The Work of Play: Mom, I Want to Major in Video Games.” Los Angeles Times (Los

Angeles, CA). 20 Oct. 2008: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 15 Sep. 2014

to school to play and develop video games sounds awesome right? Now people think that not many people go to school for video games well they’re wrong  the chart above will show you the number of people who have pursued a career in this I don’t know if that seems like a lot to you  but this opens a whole new aspect to video games like you go to school to learn how to make video games that is just a grabber right there that makes me want to go to school to do that.(Pham)

In the U.S alone around 90% of kids or children between the ages of 4-17 play video games or have played there before(Mother Jones)  


Film Video Games
Revenue 10,800,000,000 25,000,000,000
Source Infor:  Keegan Citation Source Infor:  Keegan Citation

Keegan, Paul. “Culture Quake.” Mother Jones. Nov./Dec. 1999: 42+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web.

09 Sep. 2014.

The numbers in the chart above are the amount of money over the past 10 years the film and the Gaming Industry have made.

Film industry has made roughly about 10 billion dollars where on the other hand the gaming industry has made about 25 billion dollars that is roughly over 200% more than the film industry like holy crap that is amazing you have to think about that for a second I know I did because at first it doesn’t make sense right?

Cost per video game.Now vs Back Then # of people who own video games Total amount of revenue
$60.00 50,000,000 3,000,000,000
$0.25 or $0.50 10,000,000 12,500,000

Keegan, Paul. “Culture Quake.” Mother Jones. Nov./Dec. 1999: 42+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web.

09 Sep. 2014.

The numbers in the chart above are just amazing to see how much video games and gaming has progressed over the years I mean look at those numbers the amount of people who used to own video games went from 10,000,000 to 50,000,000 that is just outstanding. Than we have to talk about the economical growth over the past 40 years the gaming industry went from making around $12,000,000 to making about $3,000,000,000 that right there should make your jaw drop.

Another positive is that most retirement homes around the U.S well about 60% of the use the Wii fit to help the Elderly people stay in shape because it is an easy way for them to work out or exercise. Fun fact about Video games is that you can get a career in them not designing them playing no no playing them  Students are getting paid to game at an Illinois university, and the school says the first season of its eSports team is such a success that the program will definitely continue next year.There are 35 students on the eSports team at Robert Morris University in Aurora, the first school to categorize playing video games as a varsity sport, even offering scholarship funds for the “athletes.”

Featured Image: ‘Wii Fit at the airport” by  David King @flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Associated Press. “Gamers to Get College Scholarships.” ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, 20 June 2014. Web. 30 Sep 2014.

Keegan, Paul. “Culture Quake.” Mother Jones. Nov./Dec. 1999: 42+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web.

09 Sep. 2014.

Pham, Alex. “The Work of Play: Mom, I Want to Major in Video Games.” Los Angeles Times (Los

Angeles, CA). 20 Oct. 2008: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 15 Sep. 2014

Young, ED. “Playing Shoot-em-up Video Games Can Improve Some Aspects of Vision.” Website

Here. N.p., 13 Sep. 2010. Web. 29 Sep. 2014.











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