TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

8 Things Little Kids Can Teach You

At one point in life, everyone needs to figure out who they are. Everyone realizes this at different stages of life, some people know who they are their whole life, others find themselves in high school or college, but in my case I’m still on the path to discovering who I truly am. Throughout high school, there has been my fair share of drama, tears, and bad moments, but I always remind myself of the good moments I have had in high school and that these good moments far outweigh the bad things that have come with the joy of high school.

High school is funny. There’s embarrassing moments, or proud moments, or moments when you feel as though your world is coming crashing down (but we all know that it actually won’t and we just feel that way because we are just dramatic high-schoolers). Our emotions play us like a fiddle and there really is no way to change that. When it comes to how we feel, we have to realize that not everything is the end of the world, and us high schoolers must learn to simply just go with the flow of things.

Many of the good or proud moments from my high school career have come outside of the classroom, with the two children I babysit everyday after school. Here are just some of the things these two bundles of joy have taught me about myself:

  1. Don’t cry over spilled milk, literally just walk away. In little kid’s cases though they leave it for someone else to clean up, which isn’t okay but hey they don’t know any better. Although they leave their mess for someone else to clean up, I still learned through them to brush little things off my shoulders like if I drop food on the floor or if I got a B on a test instead of an A.
  2. Sometimes naps are the best medicine. Whenever you have free time, ALWAYS TAKE A NAP. You will thank me later. Little kids can be a menace when they are tired, and then when you put them down for a nap they will squirm around like they don’t want to sleep but deep down you and them both know that they need it in order for them to not act like a hungry, tired grizzly bear. So I have learned that even if you feel like you don’t need a nap, always take one anyways, you will feel better in the end.
  3. Everything is better when you are outside. If you feel down in the dumps and feel like you are not being as productive, go outside. The fresh air will make you feel so much better. Whenever I ask my children if they want to go outside to play, their faces light up and they run to put their shoes on. I have learned that sunshine can make just about anyone happy.
  4. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to climb up to the highest point you can possibly get, in little kids cases they climb on EVERYTHING and I mean everything, but I have learned to take risks when it comes to being the best I can possibly be.
  5. Dance on tables. Always. That’s all.


     6. Use your imagination. Little kids have imaginations like you would never believe. They think of the most wild things. Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams, even if they are wild and you think they will be unattainable, so once again always take the risk.

     7. Not to worry about tomorrow. Be carefree. Little kids never remember what happened to them yesterday, they always look for the positives in the day that they are in. Every day is a new day to set more goals, dream more dreams, and have more fun.

     8. The last and most important thing that these two little joys have taught me is to love absolutely unconditionally. They never see the bad in people, only the good, which a lot more people need to do in this day and age, with so much social media and drama. I have learned to see the good in people, and to love each and every one of my friends and family. But more importantly, I have learned to love them a little bit more because of the love that these two children have shown me.

If you take anything from this speech, I want you to know that you will find yourself, whenever it may be. The people who will guide you along the way will be by your side forever and support you in everything. Love those people unconditionally and never take them for granted. Overall, my high school experience has been magical when I remember the great friendships I have made and the people that have supported me through everything. Also if you ever get the chance to spend a day with a child, do it. Children will teach you so much not only about yourself, but also about the world and how to view it positively. Thank you.

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