TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Just laugh it off!

Laughing something out is what I do best. No matter what it is I just laugh. I have some good stories to tell you about when I just simply laughed it out. One time we were playing basketball at Dirigo it was our second game of the season and we thought we were gonna kill them until the game started. They shot about 65% from the 3 point line, which is crazy for even the pros and all we could do was just laugh. We lost by like a good 40 points. When we would shoot all we would hear was “Clank” we couldn’t buy a shot if we wanted to! Another basketball laughing story was when I was a freshman and it was one of my first games ever in high school and I was running to go save a ball that was going out of bounds and when i was coming back down my foot got caught and down I went! Of course it hurt a little I mean I fell down the stairs but the refs stopped the game to see if I was OK and I was just laying there laughing! When my coach asked if I was okay I laughed and said, “I fell down the stairs in front of everyone, this is never gonna be forgotten.” All you can do in this story is simply just laugh it out. Looking back at it now I laugh even harder at the story.

Some stories I have even include me laughing it out about school classes/work. I was in a math class that no one in their mind likes…. Geometry. That class was the hardest class I have ever taken and that was sophomore year. I remember taking the same quiz about 5 times and i still had no idea what was even going on. At this time it was very very frustrating I mean who wouldn’t be frustrated. All I could do when he would explain it was to just laugh because I just didn’t know what else to do. It was just so hard and I wanted to just move on and never ever see it again. Laughing it out was just all I could do, I eventually learned how to do it and I passed the class and I hope I never ever have to see that work ever again!

The last good laughing it out story I have is the best one yet. This was the day when I first got my dirt bike that had a clutch. My grandfather came over to show me how different it is when it has a clutch and let me tell you the first time I tried it it was the funniest thing I have ever done and stupid. I was sitting on it and he was explaining to let off the clutch slowly but I couldn’t really hear him that well so when I let of the clutch I let off of it completely! That thing stud up like tower! Of course me being me I was laughing my butt of and wondering what I did to make it do that. Everyone was laughing at me because they heard him say let off it slowly but me. When I stopped it he came over and said “You have to slowly let off the clutch not let go of it completely you knuckle head!” That was the funniest thing I have ever done to this day and it still makes me laugh so hard when I bring it up!

Photo by exousiavampira on / CC BY


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