TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mistakes were Made

Do you ever find yourself sitting down to do an important task and you end up scrolling through social media or watching tv? You tell yourself that you’ll get it done later then the next day it’s still not done. That is procrastination and unfortunately it’s my worst habit. I’ve made many mistakes before but not getting things done on time because of my procrastinating is a big one. I keep making this same mistake over and over again every school year. It’s a very bad habit that unfortunately a lot of people struggle with. I’ll wait till the last minute to do everything. Whether it’s doing my schoolwork, cleaning my room, or waiting to do something. Some people procrastinate about going to the doctor or paying their bills, but the main thing that I procrastinate on is my schoolwork.

One specific time that I procrastinated was Sophomore year when I kept slacking off and putting off doing my work and then I ended up in summer school. Granted, I was going through a lot and I was in a bad place, but being behind and not doing my work was only making it worse. I feel like I’ve always been good at English. I just wasn’t putting in the work that I knew and my teachers knew I was capable of doing. I wouldn’t pay attention in class during instructions and I cared more about my social status more than anything. When I was a Junior I did online so I never actually went to school in person and it wasn’t till later that I realized that work from Sophomore year was still not done. So the summer before my senior year I had to go to summer school to get that work done. It was honestly embarrassing that I was a senior still doing Sophomore stuff. No one knew but the teacher but it was still embarrassing because it was my English teacher from that year.

Procrastinating is definitely something that I struggle with and have to work on. Going to summer school for work that was due when I was a Sophomore was embarrassing. If I would have just got that work done when I was supposed to, I wouldn’t of had to go to summer school. That’s my fault and that’s a mistake that I made. Even though this happened to me and I reflected on it, I’m going down that path again. I think to myself all the time, “Am I really going to do this to myself again?” There’s no one to blame but myself. Maybe it’s because I’m in a bad place again or just because it’s my senior year, but I’m falling behind right now from procrastinating and yet again that’s another mistake that I’m making, and like I said, I should have learned from my mistakes before.

“Procrastination queen” by Raquel GO! is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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