TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friendships and Trust

My best friend Lex and I have a very close relationship and are usually with each other after school every single day, or when I get out of work. When she came into my life I was going to counseling to talk about current issues that were putting me down, and seeing her was the only thing that made me happy during the time being. Lex had a situation where her bipolar mom kicked her out of the house, and had no wheres to go, she would have been walking. She texted me right before her mom took her phone away, saying she’d been kicked up and she needed me to pick her up.

During my trip to pick her up, I was pulling into her house street, she messaged me on her laptop saying she was packing her stuff, so I waited a couple minutes and her mother opened the window to her apartment and was waiting for Lexi to come out downstairs.

Lex’s mother sees her and and yells out the window saying “if you go with her im calling the cops. Right after she kicked her out saying “I’m calling the cop;s if you do not leave this house”, like what even? I felt so bad for my bestfriend, she got in the car and told me to drive off, her mom was screaming out the window at me and yelled something but my window was up and I wasn’t even looking at her.

We drive off and Lex starts crying and I’m feeling so bad for her. I put out my hand and she grabs it and I said “I love you Lex” she said, “thank you so much Kelsea, I love you”. Trust in each other and always being there for one another really matters because friends can be put in many bad situations and you may never know unless you really care and make time for one another.

I helped a friend who was in need, that had a rough patch with her family and was kicked out of her own house. I took responsibility and my own feelings to help a friend out in need, when she has nobody. Mind that she is my whole happiness and heart. Remember to always make time and effort last with friends and relationships because in the moment they were all you had.

Photo by Kelsea Mulherin


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  • aredmun19
    January 18, 2019 at 11:39 am 

    Wow, this is such an emotional story. Truly inspirational. You truly are such a great friend it seems!

  • jmartin19
    January 18, 2019 at 11:51 am 

    This post really made me think about how being a good friend really matters to a lot of other people. Being a good friend really helps someone in need. I really like this post because it tells about real life stories. This story as I was reading it really made me think how I could do a better job helping my friends. This piece is well written and is well spoken. I like this post because this post relates to real like stories of people i know. Nice work!

  • jbrooks19
    January 20, 2019 at 5:25 pm 

    I really enjoyed this story. It just made me think a lot of how to always remember you may not know the whole situation and to always keep a hand out for one another. Also, I think you did the right thing it’s good to always keep your friends close and to always be there for one another. Many would say that it would be an immature decision and they could’ve talked but in this case, it seemed like you were her only outlet in this situation so I was happy everything seemed like it worked out.

  • tlafata19
    January 20, 2019 at 6:50 pm 

    I think this story was able to use a real situation that had gotten pretty elevated to demonstrate the level of commitment you have to your friend, and also shows how strong the bond really is. It also says alot about the importance of backing up and having your friends back to the fullest

  • m.stgermain19
    January 31, 2019 at 9:05 am 

    A lot of people do not see how good of a friend you are, but this goes to show how much care you give the people you love. You are a great friend and person overall, you truly deserve more credit than you are given. This post made me think hard about how much friendship means, I am glad you found a person who cares about you.

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