TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Stump

You might think to avoid stumps and trails that may cause you danger when you are sledding as a kid. In a case similar to my situation I decided to be careless and go down a hill by My neighbor Tylers house. As I I started walking up the hill Tyler was trying to tell me it didn’t look like a great idea but in turn, I realized eventually it wasn’t but I still did it anyway. I began to position on the hill while Tyler watched me carefully making sure I wasn’t going to hurt myself. I then jumped on the sled and instantly started to slide in the exact opposite direction I was hoping to go. I was faced with a great big stump that I knew I was hitting no matter how I tried to stop it. I tried to grip onto the snow to stop but my hip rammed into the stump. I fell off the sled and hit another branch on the way down. When I had reached the bottom Tyler was standing over there laughing as I was trying to process whether this hurt or not and it sure did. I got up and the pain was so excruciating I lost all nerves in my right hip to be exact and it cost me many hours of icing and therapy. I laughed even though it was very difficult to withstand the pain. I really got upset while Tyler was laughing he didn’t understand how much it really hurt. I didn’t go to emergency room or anything but today I still live with the sensation in my hip and a story about laughter and anguish.

Photo by found_drama on / CC BY-NC-SA


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