TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Daisy Flower Flag

The composition of this flag symbolizes me in a few different ways and connects to a few different aspects of my life. The flower is a daisy, which although my literal name, tends to be something I symbolically identify with quite strongly. I hope to be pleasant and gentle like a flower and I strive to make people happy. The petals, from my perspective, symbolize the interchanging mass of people that I’ve surrounded myself with throughout my lifetime; Many fall off like petals, either faded or lost, but many are still connected strongly to the center of my existence. (When planning out the design of the flag, I had the image of someone playing the “Loves me, Loves me not,” game with a flower.) The eye expresses both my love for art, (I love drawing eyes), and my constant effort to look at the bright, (yellow), side of things. The middle connects to the stem of the flower and creates a music note from these two pieces; this is appropriate as music is the base of my passions and connects to the roots of my life. The heart shaped leaf stemming from this represents that passion as well as the need to spread love through that passion. Lastly, the background and petals are grey as that is my favorite color 🙂

Image: by Author


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