TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Sudden Loss

A story of expecting the unexpected. A time where something extremely unexpected happened was when my coach passed away. I woke up around six o’ clock like any average weekday for me. I got out of bed, got my clothes and headed toward the bathroom to shower. When I got out of the shower I told myself it was going to be a great day, got dressed, and waited for my friend to arrive to pick me up so we could go get some breakfast at IHOP before we actually had to begin our day of dread at school. We got into the restaurant and took our time to eat. I ordered chicken and waffles, and he ordered French toast. After having recently having my wisdom teeth out and finally eating some real food we left the restaurant feeling fulfilled and feeling great.

As we got closer and closer to school I wasn’t really checking my phone as I was just listening to music in a good mood during the start of the day. A few minutes before reaching the school I checked my phone, going through snapchat, instagram, watching a few posts for some laughs, I checked snapchat one more time, seeing in the football group chat one of my team mates typing something. When my teammate finally finished typing, I read of the message and it said that our coach passed away. At first I didn’t think anything of it, some usual banter, or a silly picture being sent to the group because that’s usually how people on our team are making dumb jokes, or doing wild things. At first I thought it was some really dumb joke, then as they said they were completely serious, I told my friend next to me as he was on the team as well.

At first the message didn’t really hit or clicked in our minds until we actually got to school and the whole team was called to the auditorium to talk about what’s occurred. It really hit everyone in the room when our coaches even started crying and explaining what happened and that if any of us needed to talk we could stay there. I remember the air being heavy and sorrow filling the room. As the day went along it was really hard, and it wasn’t the day I expected. About half way through the day I decided I couldn’t be there anymore much like many others as this news was extremely upsetting. It ended with me just going home and trying to sleep off what was on my mind.

A situation so unexpected that hit hard and would’ve been the last thing I would think to occur in such a short period of time. A story I seem to compare mine to is a movie I once saw called “Brian’s song where on a sports team, one of the players discovered that he was dying, and this was suddenly so dramatic and happened so unexpectedly, but regardless of what was going to happen to this one player, the team and his best friend still had to continue to be strong because that’s what he would’ve wanted, he would’ve wanted them to be strong and continue on no matter what.

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1 Comment

  • elovering20
    May 26, 2020 at 1:06 am 

    Thank you for sharing your story. This was a very heart felt blog, and I am sorry for the loss of your coach. I like this post because I know how much it means to you. The thought of tragedy is inconceivable. But it sounds like towards the end that this may of made a positive impact because it gives that extra strength to keep going. It also allows everyone to build stronger team bond.

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