TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

True Friends Show In Hard Times

One thing I have learned is that you truly see who your real friends are in hard times at least that’s where I found my best friend. It started my junior year. Things were not the best for me. I was going through some personal things and it was all around a rough time. At first I didn’t think this person would end up being my best friend. I had hung out with them with other friends and associated with them in sports and this is where the bond had become pretty strong during junior year during the fall. At this time sports were keeping me busy and things off my mind but after the season my mind was racing and I was not feeling like myself again I was down and I just felt lost. But anytime  I was feeling this way there was always one person there to keep me on track picking me up when I was down. Talking to me no matter what was going on I knew I had someone there helping me feel like myself again. It was not the easiest process let me tell you but just having this person by my side through it all made it a lot easier. Just knowing someone was there and someone that I could call my best friend. I tend to bottle up things but with them no matter what was on my mind I could trust them. Just taking it day by day taking whatever each day threw at me no matter what at the end of the day I knew there would always be that one person by my side. I’m not saying I didn’t have friends by my side and I’m truly happy to call all the people in my circle friends but just this one friend and I had a different bond, one that I will forever be grateful for and they could not have come in my life at a better time. At the same time he came into my life it happened to be at a low point in this person’s life. So together we would just help each other keeping each other busy whether it was just having random conversations or just going on adventures or simply just spending time with each other. It’s like when we were with each other we did not have a worry or a care in the world it was just pure friendship. Just having someone to laugh with or someone to pick eachother up is exactly what we needed. It still was the hardest times in our lives so far but just having each other was truly thought made everything easier and at the end of the day I think our bond becoming stronger is what brought us both back and stronger than before. After this anything either if either of us needed help with or just to talk about big or small we were there for each other through thick and thin. 

The summer going into my senior year truly showed me how much they had helped me and how I had found my best friend. I knew that summer was going to be a great time for me finding someone that I can have fun with all the time and not have to worry when I was with them. I think for 75% of that summer we were with each other going on adventures making memories that will last a lifetime. That summer was not perfect. We were still going through some things in our own personal lives. I think that’s why that summer we were inseparable because no matter what was going on we still knew how to have a good time and just made each other feel better by being with each other. If he wasn’t working and I wasn’t doing anything guess where we were I bet you could guess. Yes we were with each other if we weren’t out on the lake or at his camp we were going on adventures day and night just having summer fun. 

Through all of this I was taught what true friendship really was. I also learned how to be an even better friend. Also found myself again I found happiness and learned a lot more about myself and who I truly was through all of this. One thing that I found out through this all is that a best friend is someone that will always ride with you and be by your side no matter what is going on and the same goes for you have to be there for them even if you are not doing the best. If there are a few things I can tell anybody reading this is that do not let anything stop you from being yourself and do not allow anyone or anything to change who you are. Find people that expect you for who you truly are inside and out if they do not accept you for that then it’s not worth your time nor your effort. Also another thing is do not hold everything in its not good for you at all. I know that it is hard sometimes to open up to people but it’s not good to bottle things up because you can only hold so much in. I know sometimes it’s hard to let people in but it’s good to have at least one person to talk too. If you can’t talk then one last thing other than having that one person in my life was my journal. This journal may not have been a friend but it helped me in many ways whether it was a great day or a bad one. This was a place I could always trust to put my feelings.  One final thing I have to say is that people and things can only help so much at the end of the day you are responsible for yourself and you are the only one that can help yourself at the end of the day.

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  • ocummings20
    May 29, 2020 at 11:54 pm 

    I like the way you carried your message, and the tone throughout was touching. I also found my true friends in high school, and if it wasnt for them , I dont know where I would be today.

  • minman20
    May 31, 2020 at 12:31 am 

    Thats so great that you found that friend during a tough time, because sometimes those friends are the truest ones. Where o you think you would be if you hadnt become so close with that person during that time in your life? I know when I was going through something similar I found some of the most genuine people to talk to and that was quite reassuring. Sometimes you just find the best people in the worst times.

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