TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Just a Little While Longer

I had been thinking about getting a new job. I felt I was not getting as many hours as I should and felt I could learn more valuable skills at a different job. I started to tell my Papa about the situation and he suggested that I should wait until after this summer to see if anything changes. He reminded me that this would be my second full summer season to work at Fielder’s. He said that seniority counts, meaning that the time that you put into a job leads to more responsibility or in my case, more hours. My Papa then told me the story about how he had to be patient when he started his job at UPS. He had heard how UPS was a great company with good pay and many benefits. When he went for his interview at UPS, the person interviewing him seemed like they were too busy to interview him. This was annoying to him because he felt that his experience as a delivery driver should automatically get him in the door. Regardless of his previous skills he still had to prove he was a adequate addition to the team.

Papa worked on a part-time basis at UPS for 3 years, always getting laid off after the Christmas rush. Going into year 4, he wondered when he would be done proving he was fit for the job. He was thinking about quitting UPS when Frito-Lay offered him a position. He had delivered chips before and Frito-Lay was a decent company to work for. It would put an end to the uncertainty of a post-Christmas lay-off.

He was about ready to quit to take a full time position at Frito-Lay when my Memere made him think twice. They weighed out all the positives and negatives. She reminded my Papa that if he were to become a full time employee at UPS, he would have weekends off, more vacation time, better pay, better insurance and a really great retirement plan. If he were to take the Frito-Lay job, he would always have to work weekends and the pay and benefits would never match what UPS had to offer. Having weekends off was important because my Papa had always had to work weekends missing out on family time.

My Papa was really frustrated with UPS because he felt stagnant for a long period of time. He would work through one more season, hopefully earning a permanent full-time position. If the fourth Christmas rush season ended with a lay off, he would apply at Frito-Lay.

During the fourth year, before the Christmas rush started my Memere received a mysterious long box that had been delivered to her workplace. She had no idea what it was, so she hesitantly opened it. In the package was a bouquet of flowers, along with a card from my papa, that said he was finally given a permanent full time position at UPS. My Memere was ecstatic because she knew how hard her husband had worked to get to that point. My Papa was thankful that she had supported him and pushed him to go for the better career even though it took four years of frustration and disappointments.

My Papa retired from UPS this year after 30 years of service. He had no regrets about staying. During his employment at UPS, he was awarded a patch, leather jacket, and sign above his parking spot, recognizing him for 25 years of safe driving without any accidents. My Papa also had the pleasure to teach UPS drivers in training important rules and tips of the road. He was able to provide a better life for his family and is now enjoying a comfortable retirement. He often talks about how he is happy that he was patient enough to stay with UPS. He told me what my Memere told him, which was to stick with it for just a little while longer even if you’re not the happiest at the moment, because you just might receive what you’ve been working towards.

Tom Petty says that “the waiting is the hardest part.” You may have to wait, but in the end you will be glad you waited. My Papa’s story along with other family member’s views and opinions on my situation, caused me to change my mind about finding a new job. I’ve decided to stick it out just a little while longer, because sometimes patience and hard work wins. So far my decision has paid off. I have been scheduled for more hours consistently and I am feeling more confident and less stressed. I am thankful that I listened to my Papa’s story.

“Odd Job Names 1” by cogdogblog is marked with CC0 1.0


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