TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Time is Priceless

My biggest mistake is thinking I have more time. Time is priceless and it goes by so fast that you have to make the most of every moment. This goes for a lot of things in my life, such as school, sports, and just being a teenager in general. You don’t realize how much of your life has gone by until it is already past. Now, as a senior in high school about to graduate, I have learned to cherish every moment as it will be left a memory. Looking back, I have had so many fun memories throughout my life so far and really wish I could relive those moments. This is a mistake that will happen for as long as I live, there’s no way to avoid this. The only thing to do is to accept it and live in the moment.

When I was a Freshman, I thought I had so much time to live in my “high school years” and that I would never graduate. Yet, here I am about to graduate and it feels like it went by in a blink of an eye. I think of when I was a Freshman and how it felt to be at the bottom of the food chain. I never expected myself to fly through school this quickly. I would always look up to the Seniors when I was a Freshman and think that they were so much older than me. Meanwhile, I now look at Freshman and think about how I was just where they were not too long ago. It’s funny to think that these are supposed to be the best years of your life, but yet they go by so fast so it’s hard to enjoy them.

I have been playing sports since I was in kindergarten, so they’ve had a big impact on my life. While I’ve been a part of this community for the past 12 years, I never thought it would actually end, or even come this quickly. I have made the most of my time as I have played basketball year-round and soccer two out of the four seasons. The only thing I regret is not treasuring the little moments that go by. For example, the connection you make with people on and off the court/field and the bonds we have with each other which turn into family. I really learned from this when Covid struck. My senior year of soccer and basketball had to be modified based off the circumstances. We had to wear masks, couldn’t have fans, and just overall changed the dynamic of a sports game. It really opened my eyes and made me appreciate how sports were before, it is just very unfortunate that I learned this my senior year.

I have a very bad habit of procrastinating, because I always think I have more time. It’s not that the material is hard or that I need help doing it, it is just the fact that I live by saying “It’ll get done”. If I am being honest, I have been doing this all throughout high school. It always works out for me, I think that is why I keep doing it. At the end of the semester, I usually pull one all-nighter and finish everything that night. Although this works, it is not the most efficient way to finish your tasks. Not only does it create unnecessary stress but it probably doesn’t make your teachers too happy. When this happens, I feel like I have no time constantly and wish I took advantage of when I did have time to complete my assignments. Especially since the end of semester, or more specifically the end of senior year, is already a very stressful time to begin with. I get so focused on planning for graduation, prom, class night, all the fun things that I don’t realize I can’t go to them unless I graduate. I now understand my priorities and with the little time we have left to focus on those priorities.

Time is a tricky thing. One minute you could think you have all the time in the world, and the next you could feel like you are constantly running out of time. That is a mistake that everyone goes through. Time is invaluable and people will always realize that when it is too late. It is important to make the most of every second and hold onto those happy moments.

“Clock” by deux-chi is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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