TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

What I Have Learned

Throughout my life I have learned a lot of things. I think one of the most important things I have learned is that I am not always right, no matter how sure I may be. My head spins when I’m wrong and I try to do and say whatever I can to help my case. Having the attitude of always being right has gotten me into some trouble. One of my worst mistakes with this happened just last month. I was talking to one of my friends over the phone. We were talking about if she should take a year off before going to college or start right after she graduates. I, knowing that she has a hard time in school and doesn’t like it, tried to tell her that it may be best to take a year off. With the virus still going around, a lot of the school is done online, and the fact that she doesn’t like school to begin with. I really just don’t want her to spend all that money for college and then end up failing. \As you could have guessed, she was not having it with my idea.

The problem really began when she was telling me that she would be fine and it wouldn’t be a waste of her money. We argued about this for a while. She just didn’t want to believe that there may be a chance of me being right. And I didn’t want to admit that I could be wrong. With the argument continuing to grow, I thought to myself “is this really worth it?”. I felt I had good intentions but this was just not something I felt to need to fight over. This was a huge mistake on my end. We ended up fighting for a good hour and now haven’t much since. I just wanted what was best for her but I was wrong and didn’t want to let up on my argument. When she said to me really threw me for a loop. “It’s my money. It’s my schooling. It’s my future. I’m not going to mess it up just because I take your stupid advice. I will be just fine with going straight to college. It has been a dream of mine for so long and you aren’t going to stop me. College is going to be so much different than high school. I will be starting with little to no friends so I won’t be distracted by them. I’ll be able to just focus on my studies. I know what is best for me, and I’m going to do it.” I have done a lot of thinking since our argument. I may be stubborn sometimes and try to help more than I need to. Not having her as my friend would break me and I now know that I shouldn’t get caught up about the little things. She is a strange, smart, independent girl and she is going to do amazing in whatever she chooses. So in the end I have learned that I’m not always right. Sometimes it is better to let people make their own choices and you just need to have faith in them that everything will turn out just fine.

“College 3D” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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