TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Munchkins and Spray Bottles

For a quick back story I work at Dunkin’ and I have a coworker named Jess. Jess is the type of person that is easy to get along with and you can get close to her very quickly. Ever since she showed up we have clicked and now we are pretty much the same person. We always catch each other going to do the same things, saying the same things, even thinking the same things. Overall we’ve gotten really close. We sort of have a sister relationship, one where we can get very serious with but we can also have so much fun together. I also have coworkers named John, and jade. There isn’t much back story on those two. I mean we get along but we aren’t best friends or anything. We talk, but not outside of work. So there’s some back story on the people that this story will involve.

As you can imagine fast food can be a hectic job. It can get stressful and annoying, due to the fast pace at sometimes. When it’s dead, we can get bored and a little antsy. Especially if we’ve been at work all day. We just want to have some fun and get those stressful jitters out. Most of the time we just do that by joking around and relaxing with each other, letting that stress out. Sometimes we do some things that may not be the most appropriate way to spend our time, but it works.

Now at Dunkin’ we have munchkins and fun fact they are very convenient for throwing. You know, you can just walk up to a donut case and there are hundreds of little donut balls that conveniently sitting there. Especially if a coworker is getting on your nerves, they tend to call your name at those times. Now as I said, may not be the most appropriate way to spend our time, or appropriate thing to be doing at work, but it works. We also have a spray bottle to clean things out, which is also conveniently placed on a counter on the floor making it easy access. The spray bottle is a less violent way to tell your coworker to screw off, or to just mess around with them. My question has always been why not use both?

So one day it was Jess, Jade, John, and I. We had just had a morning rush and it was very stressful. Afterwards we were antsy and needed to get some energy out, so I may or may not started it out by throwing a munchkin at Jess. Funny enough it was a jelly munchkin with the sugar on the outside, leaving a perfect circular mark on Jess’s visor. That alone made us all break out into a roar or laughter. Of course, I couldn’t leave it alone there, so I grabbed another muchkin throwing it at John. Hitting him square in the head, causing more uproar of laughter. John and Jess beat me to my idea and grabbed the spray bottles closest to them, running me down spraying me, drenching me. I then proceeded to grab a handful of muchkins, rapid firing them into their direction. Some definietly hit, while some were miserable misses. They continued to spray me, making this go on for about ten minutes, until we just couldn’t laugh anymore. After we calmed down for a couple minutes we got an order in drive through, me still being by the donut case and Jade being by the window cashing out the guy. I decided it would be a good idea to try to get Jade since she just avoided the whole munchkin/spray bottle war. Me thinking the drive through window was closed I lined up my aim and thought I had it perfect. Until I released and it just so happened that the window was not closed, and I had now thrown a munchkin into an older man’s car. Being terrified I ran off the floor into the back laughing hysterically. I felt horrible, but it was just too funny. After five or so minutes I came back onto the floor, only to find out the older gentlemen was very upset about his surprise munchkin. He had already left so I couldn’t apologize, but all four of us were just in to good of a mood to worry. After we got rid of all the customers we just reflected on what just happened and broke down hysterically.

After laughing for about 20 minutes straight I realized I hadn’t had a good laugh like that in such a long time. It felt so amazing to just forget all my worries in the world for 20 minutes and laugh about something so simple. Munchkins and spray bottles will forever make me laugh now, due to the time we had an all out war. It just felt so amazing to laugh for that long and me not being the only one. Ever since that day we all joke about it, and I think it will forever be an inside joke between us four. Munchkins and spray bottles.

“Spray Bottle” by the.barb is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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