TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Should We Text or Call?

Texting and calling both have their advantages and disadvantages but which one is preferably the better way to communicate? Personally, I only call my family members when I need to ask or tell them something but I text more than call. I think texting is an easier way to communicate because you just hit a few buttons and then click send and someone can read it. Overall calling is easier to ask questions on because it makes the person answer you right away since you are on the phone. If you ask someone a question over text then they can read it without you knowing and can choose not to answer right away and you will have no idea that they read it. Texting is easier to communicate to someone you don’t know well because you can take time to read and answer their text. If someone is not comfortable calling someone then texting is the alternate to that.

Texting is the more likable approach for communication this day in age because social media is taking over. It is more common to text on any social media app than to call on it. Most teenagers will only call to either face-time someone or to talk to family. When they are chatting with friends, most of it happens over text. A big disadvantage for texting is that it is hard to read someones emotions. You can miss interpret someone by reading the text wrong and assuming. Texting has many things that help show emotions like sending face emojis to show what you are feeling. Even though you can send an emoji to show how you are feeling, sometimes it is difficult to read what they are feeling. Sarcasm is not something you can read well. Some people could believe that you are being serious about something when you could me kidding around with them. Texting is considered more efficient because if someone is busy and you call them then they most likely won’t answer the call but if you text then it is subtle and you can just wait till they are done and they can answer you right away.

Calling is a more of a mature way to communicate with someone, especially in a place of business. Growing up and texting someone like your boss or clients will probably not like it as much if you were to call them instead. When you see businesses and see someone’s desk, you usually see a phone for people to call and get calls for their job. Calling is also a much safer way to talk instead of looking at your phone. Using your phone while driving is bad and unsafe but if there was a situation and you needed to talk to someone while driving, the easier and safer way would be to call so you can talk and still look at the road while driving. Calling can be overall easier to do because no matter where you go there is phones to use to call. You can’t text on these phones in telephone booths and if you were needing to borrow someones phone then you don’t ask them to borrow it to text someone. You ask them to borrow it so you can call someone.

Phones” by nicolasnova is marked with CC BY-NC 2.0.


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