TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Jalapeno Dinner: Introducing MValliere

MValliere is a beautiful young woman who cherishes family, tradition, and her favorite things. She appreciates the simplicity of a family dinner, her pet cat, along with two of her favorite things to consume- coffee and pineapple. Not only is she well-rounded, she is grateful for her surroundings that many others take for granted. 

Although seeming simple to everyone else’s eye, the green jalapenos lining the bottom of the avatar represent something far more deep. Not only does it display the ingredients of a dinner they serve at home, which consists of jalapenos, chicken, salsa, and cheese, it exemplifies family and the bond they share. It is clear by including this that these family dinners are very important to her and they contribute a lot to who she is as a person as well. 

The lovely beige background could represent many things, but it is not her favorite color, she says, “My favorite color is pink.” Instead, this bridge background actually represents her favorite beverage, coffee. Although arguable that her body is filled with more coffee than blood, this illustrates one of her biggest traits. She is an absolute coffee lover. I asked her, what do you put in your coffee? Her answer was quick, “Cream and flavor pumps.” Although lots of people drink coffee, it is clear that she believes this is a big part of who she is, and therefore a wonderful contribution to her avatar. 

The gray cat with very distinguishable whiskers in the middle-left of the avatar is a portrait of her family’s pet. MValliere loves this cat a bunch, and he is definitely considered part of the family. The cat on the avatar symbolizes their family cat, because family is very important to her. And this cat is an extremely important part of the family as well. I asked her, how old is your cat? She answered, “One year” which means that this cat is a newer extension of the family, yet still very loved. This part of the avatar is actually what interested me most, it left me with questions regarding the cat itself. It grabbed my attention because it is a beautiful illustration of an animal that means a lot to her. She did also illustrate a penguin on the avatar to the middle-left, but it has much less of an important meaning as it is just one of her favorite animals. It is a beautiful dark gray penguin with a white beak.

Her favorite fruit is a pineapple which is displayed beautifully on her avatar with yellow and green placed diagonally above her cat, Messer and the penguin. Although many believe that this fruit is way too acidic and is textured weird, it is MValliere’s favorite fruit. This just further displays how unique MValliere is, along with her favorite things, interests, and hobbies. 

My process seemed to be a lot simpler than hers. Although they both signify who we are as young women, hers has completely different attributes than mine. I kept it really simple while illustrating each symbol, while she went into a little more detail. I included less elements, but each of us included things that we thought were important to who we are. 

File:Immature jalapeno capsicum annuum var annuum.jpeg” is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.


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