TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

JSpencer23’s insight on Maine

In this project, JSpencer has used his imagination and love for the beautiful and diverse state of Maine to create a simple but also unique avatar. JSpencer made sure that his avatar represented the state of Maine but also the U.S.A. JSpencers avatar is simple but thought out carefully. In the middle of Jspencers avatar is a red lobster claw to represent a food Maine is known for, lobster, and shows the importance wildelife is to JSpencer. The background of the avatar is split evenly, one side is a blue background and one side is white, representing the colors of the U.S Flag and the ocean.

JSpencers avatar really stood out to me. The diversity of his avatar and ideas he had worked so well together. JSpencer wanted to “Show the large amount of wildlife we have ” so he used a lobster claw as the main focal point. JSpencer said that “My avatar is the same color of the United States flag and my favorite colors”. The color pallet JSpencer used has a deep meaning behind it, they are important to JSpencer. He used blue on his avatar because it represents the “vast amount of coast we have” according to JSpencer, which was displayed well on his avatar.

Both me and JSpencer used similar ideas and thought processes while making our avatars. We wanted to base ours of off out home state Maine, and the culture around it. On both of our avatars, we used elements to represent not only Maine but the wildlife in it. On my avatar I have a bug pine tree in the middle with blue surrounding it, representing Maine’s state tree and the ocean. JSpencer did something similar, he had a lobster claw in the middle of his avatar (which is a food and industry Maine is known for). He also has blue surrounding his avatar representing the ocean as well. 

Me and JSpencers avatars also have different element from one another. Where my avatar has symbols from the farming industry, JSpencer keeps it simple and uses red, white, and blue to represent our home country. Both me and JSpencer included both important aspects of Maine in our avatar. We just did it in different ways. 

Pinetree” by Infomastern is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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