TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Lies make you lose.

I met one of my best friends in elementary school. From third grade on we had a lot of fun and laughs, often going to each other’s houses and causing trouble together that would get us sent to the principal’s office. She moved away for a brief while; and as we were only in fifth grade by then, we didn’t really stay in contact. But when sixth grade came around, she came back into the rsu4 district. Of course we were so happy to be reunited, but our friendship was a little different as I had made some other friends in her absence.

She was the kind of person who didn’t exactly ‘work well with others’. I was one of the few people she got along with, most likely because I was one of the only people that didn’t bully her, act disgusted by her, or call her mean names like “buck tooth”. I instead started talking to her one day at recess and figured out what a fun person she was to be around. She was a little on the ‘bad’ side of behaving, as she would get into squabbles with other kids and never really did her school work. But I’d only ever had very goodie-two-shoes friends until I met her, so I thought she was super cool and exciting.

However when we entered seventh grade, I met another girl. We sat next to each other in class, and I really liked her. We became good friends immediately, and started hanging out at lunch and recess. Of course I was still friends with the girl from my childhood, I just now had another best friend to give attention to. At the time, I didn’t consider how my good old friend felt about me having another best friend, and to add on to that these two girls were absolutely night and day. I valued both of their friendship, and truly enjoyed hanging out with them, but it became hard to do so when we were all in school together.

In eighth grade, a lot of things changed. My original best friend moved away for good this time, and I started dating the girl I met the year before. I still kept in touch with my old friend, and we even continued to hang out and be good friends. Her not being in the same school anymore made it much easier because I could still be her friend and be with my girlfriend without the two getting on eachothers nerves when we were all hanging out. They still hated each other’s guts though, even though they didn’t have to see one another, which caused me to not really talk about them to the other. Including, not telling my best friend that I’d started dating my newer friend – who she hated. Everything was okay though… Until she found out. And when my friend asked me if it was true that I was dating her, I lied.

I ignored my friend for quite some time after that because I was afraid of talking to her and lying to her more. Lying was my first mistake. Ignoring my problems for the sake of personal ease was my second. My punishment was losing a really good friend. I’m still dating the girl I met in seventh grade, but I haven’t talked to my old best friend since she blocked me on instagram freshman year.

li.” by barbasia. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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