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Patient Writing

How many times have you written a whole essay just for it to be wrong? I have done it many times. During this assignment, I have re-written this essay three times because I couldn’t find the perfect topic to show me how important being patience is. After re-writing my essay I understood the true meaning of being patient and that to fix your mistakes you needed to be patient. I needed to understand what I was doing and how I would make my essay stronger and become more patient. Writing this essay you have to have a lot of patience and have to be understanding that if you mess up it will make you revise the essay many times until you get it right which has taught me a lot about patience because I have had to re-do the essay because I can not get the right topic or the right understanding of what I need to be doing. But while writing an essay on the importance of patience I slowly started to understand why patience is important to learning and how it helps you be more understanding. I never understood the importance of being patient and always wanted things done fast. Now knowing how important patience is I have changed my views on life. I previously did not understand the importance of being patient but at this point, I understand how important it is. I have never been a very patient person but now I know what patience is. Writing this essay showed me how to be more patient and understand and acknowledge that being patient pays off in the end. Previously when I had written my last essay I didn’t truly understand why being patient was so important but at this point, I understand how important and integral it is to write a good essay. While writing this essay I have learned that when you make a mistake you have to be patient and understand what you’re doing wrong. If you aren’t patient it won’t help you and will cause you to lose focus on what matters. It helps you understand how even though you are being challenged and having to fix your mistake over and over it makes you realize how important being patient is. Being patient helped me understand that being challenged helped me realize what the true meaning of being patient is and how it helps you be calm. Being patient helps you understand what you’re doing wrong and helps you understand what you need to do to fix it without getting upset over having to redo the assignment. It keeps you calm and helps you understand what to do to fix it. When I wrote my first essay it showed me that I needed to be patient with myself and focus on what being patient really means to me, after I had written a part of the essay I realized that it wasn’t truly showing what being patient is. It was showing me what I thought being patient was, which I learned while writing the second version of my essay. When I started my second version of my essay I thought I knew what being patient really was when I had no clue at all. I had to learn that getting upset over having to redo the essay wasn’t helping me any and was making me feel worse. Then when I started to become more patient I realized that I was becoming calmer and understanding what I actually needed to be getting done. It took some time to truly understand what I was doing wrong and what I needed to fix.

Eventually, I figured out what I needed to fix my mistakes and know what being patient truly is, and figured out that what I thought was patience wasn’t. Being patient has shown me that getting upset over something instead of being patient doesn’t help you. I understand now after writing my last version of this essay that being patient is understanding what you’re doing wrong and understanding how to fix it without getting upset. I learned that getting upset and not being patient doesn’t help how your feel or what you’re getting done, it makes you feel worse and lose focus of what you are actually trying to accomplish. Being patient to me now is understanding how to fix things instead of being patient with other people. It showed me I needed to be patient with myself. Soon thereafter I started becoming patient and was able to get to where I needed to be to fix my mistakes. Soon thereafter it showed me that being patient is important in being able to understand what you did wrong and what you need to fix. Soon after this I now understand that doing that would not have helped me. Being patient to me now means taking the time to realize the mistakes you are making and taking the time to fix them instead of just giving up like I almost did.

Early morning essay writing” by Oliver Quinlan is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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1 Comment

  • aspencer23
    February 10, 2023 at 11:20 am 

    This was interesting to read because I too wrote a post about patience, but I didn’t even think about the patience it takes to use Revision Assistant as well. When you said you “figured out that what I thought was patience wasn’t.” it sparked a thought that patience is found in the littlest things, even writing an essay.
    This realization of patience in this post is really cool to read. It is unique to read about someone discovering patience in the little things, as they are literally writing about patience. I loved this and it made me think about how many different things I am patient with on a day-to-day basis without realizing. The depth of your post makes me imagine you fighting to get the three signals on the other website.
    What kind of other things have you been patient with that you don’t necessarily think are a big deal?

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