TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience is Key

In high school it’s hard to be understood sometimes, you could be asking for help, trying to share your thoughts, or talking about your feelings. You feel like nobody is listening and nobody cares but it’s all how you perceive it. You just need to have patience and everything will be okay in the end. In the next part, I will be telling a story about an experience I and plenty of others have had about a time we had to be patient.

When you’re in high school it’s easy to be misunderstood or even to just not be heard. You need to be patient, although you’ve been waiting for the attention of getting help or being heard other people are too. For example, one time I was asking for help and it took forever for my teacher to help me because everyone else needed help too, in that case, I felt like I was invisible. I would ask for help and my teacher would get distracted and it made it feel like I talking to a brick wall. This stressed me out so much but in high school, you have to be patient and wait. Sometimes, I would have to wait for days for my assignment to be graded. It stressed me out knowing it could possibly put me behind, but I was patient. In the end though everything was okay and I ended up passing, I just needed to be patient and wait for them to grade it.

Another example of patience is when I left school to go on vacation. You would think on vacation you would get a break from everything and have the most luxurious things, but if that is what you thought then you’re wrong. For example, In Universal, you are constantly standing in line for the bathroom, a ride, to get in, to get food, and anywhere you can think of you need to have tolerance and be patient. In Universal, my family got fast passes so we don’t need to wait in line and we could cut but so many people can get those passes that it didn’t affect the wait and we still had to be patient and wait our turn. The people that got there before us also had fast passes so either way my family and I had to be patient. The workers at Universal made the waiting feel like it was going by faster because they all thanked us for being patient which made being patient worth it. Being able to be patient is a necessity you need to have as you get older because, for everything in life, you need to work for yourself, you have to be patient and have tolerance.

There is this saying that says “If you don’t clap for anyone else and congratulate them on how they did, then it will never be your turn.” and this is very accurate in this case. My family helped me learn to be patient by making me work and earn everything I have because in life things aren’t just handed to you. You could be on vacation to get away from everything and you’re still going to have to wait and be patient. For example, if you go to an amusement park to have fun you’re going to have to wait in line and wait your turn. It is the same thing in school when waiting in line to get help on an assignment. The importance of patience is a key part of life and a skill you need to have in order to be successful in what you do.

Hand Writing” by djking is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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1 Comment

  • jemerson23
    February 17, 2023 at 11:24 pm 

    Kyoung23 really went into depth about having patience and some experience she had to go through herself. I have always seen kyoung23 as a very patient person, at least I have never seen her lose her patience. Having patience can help you in a lot of situations so I think this blog post really shows how everyone at times struggles to get through being patient and not getting upset. High school is a place where there needs to be tons of patience or you won’t get very far.

    Having patience is hard for me, there have been many situations where I got mad because someone didn’t do something fast enough. I guess at some points I feel like I’m the only one in the world that needs help or to get something done but that’s not the case, there are so many others that need help and to get their things done too, especially in some of the careers people have. I have always struggled with getting mad at people for not helping me soon enough or even just walking down the halls of the school because people walk too slow.

    I think if there was some way to have people be more patient it would help with some of the problems in today’s world like for instants there was a time I was driving on the road and someone passed me even though I was already going five over the speed limit, I think if people had more patience road rage would be cut way down or random fights in the middle of grocery stores because people take to long grabbing something. There are so many things that could change if there was a way for there to be more patience.

    I may be the only one that thinks this but does anyone else go somewhere and there is always someone who has no patience for something? Like I could go to the gas station and there could be someone getting mad at the pump for going too slow or there could be someone plowing the roads and they get mad that people are on the roads while there trying to do their jobs. I just want to know if it’s me that sees these things happening or if other people have encountered situations like these.

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