TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughing is an essential part of life.

The people who surround me like my family, my boyfriend and his family all surround me with laughter and it is a true part of any relationship if it comes to family relationships or love relationships. Without laughing there would be a lot of seriousness in my life. All growing up laughter was the route of my happiness without laughing there would only be sadness. Laughing can take a sad or mad situation and turn it into a happy situation. For example my boyfriend being the funny person he is likes to make things funny in a sad/serious time. He can make me laugh when I’m in a bad mood and make me feel better just by making me laugh. I know for me previously with my boyfriend the way that we talk to each other if laughing wasn’t a thing I can’t imagine what our relationship would be like. Since my boyfriend is a jokester, a good example to show how laughter makes us closer is one time we were in an argument and we were really mad at each other and just arguing back and forth. He decided that it would be a good idea to throw a snowball at me and it hit me right in the face and he just started dying laughing and he thought that it was the funnest thing in the world. I don’t know if it was just the fact that he was hysterically laughing at me. Or the fact that I just didn’t know what was happening but I just started laughing so hard and we just ended our fight because in reality what we were arguing about was not that big of a deal and we ended up laughing and it brought us closer together. It truly is an important part of life.

Another example that has happened to me which proved this was when I drove to Vermont with my siblings over break the drive was a very long 4 1/2  hour car ride! That was so dragging and boring. I was in a very grumpy mood and I just wanted to sleep. My brother was being very funny and trying to make us laugh and he really thought that he was being really funny and laughing and laughing. He was making us laugh and laugh and it truly changed my mood around and made the drive home way better because we were all laughing together. The way that he talks and just makes the randomest jokes and says the funnest things is just really what keeps our connection. For example he has this joke where he likes to wave and say hi to everyone that he sees, it’s hilarious because the people that he says hi to usually wave back and start smiling and laughing so it’s funny to see all the peoples reactions when he does that. It’s funny to see how when me and my brother are not laughing we are arguing and fighting constantly, just like how me and my boyfriend are.

As a result, laughing is truly the only way to have a good relationship with someone. Not only is laughing an important part for people, it can statistically help someone’s stress level and anxiety. ” A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.” (Mayo Clinic) The importance of laughter is very important in a relationship to bring people together or make a situation the lightest that it can be. For me that is most of my relationships with the people in my life.

Laughing Toddler” by katie.thomas0214 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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